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2 cups a day.. one in morning and one at nightt

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Q: How much water do you give a Peace Lily?
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I do not over water my plant but the edges of a few leaves will turn brown. i only know the plants name as a peace lily?

This is a problem among certain types of plants, it could be you have too much chlorine in your water, try sitting out water 24 hours before watering. Try bottled water.

How regularly do you need to water a lily and how much water do you need?

Once a day with 2 oz of water or 10 oz a week.:)

Peace lily plant leaves dry out from the ends and do not bloom what can you do?

Peace lilies are one house plant that it is hard to over-water. Kept in a container with good drainage and consistently moist soil, then the best way to keep your peace lily from getting dry tips is to keep it out of forced hot air furnace drafts. To encourage bloom, fertilize with a one-half strength (half of what is recommended by the manufacturer) liquid houseplant fertilizer once a month. Too much fertilizer can contribute to leaf burn, so don't overdo the fertilizer. Keep in a moderately light-to-bright location, out of direct sunlight. Rotate your peace lily pot one-quarter turn each time you water it, so it is consistently getting light from all directions.

What die if you give water to it?

Plants if you give to much water.

How much and how often should I water my Calla lily?

Calla Lilies don't particularly need very much water. It really depends where the plant is located whether it be outside or inside.

How much does lily like bacon?

Lily might like bacon, but who knows except for her?

How much space does one molecule of water take up?

hi the answer to this question is that i do not have it with me right now but i will try to find it for you ok just give me a little can and i will give you the answer tomorrow ok. that is if i know it okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!by3z c u around okayz peace out dusses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Would you be willing to give up sex for 1 year if you knew it would give you a much deeper sense of peace than you have now?

Yes. Many people, including monks and other religious people, give up sex for a deeper sense of peace.