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Q: How much water does Singaporeans consumes in a year currently?
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The lake will have heaps of plants and algae. they will then start dying and the "bodies" will rot which is a process that consumes oxygen, if too much organic mass rots it consumes all the oxygen in the water and everything in the lake dies- this process is called eutrification

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I know that this isn't all of America, but i do know that the average American consumes about 1996.3 pounds of food a year. If you times that by how many Americans there are (sorry I don't know) then you have how much America consumes!

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It depends on how much each person consumes every day (yes, some people drink very little and some people drink an extremely lot) and how many people there are in that family. It also depends on how big the water bottles are and how much each water bottle can hold.