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They need the oxygen in the water to survive like fish and every thing else.

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13y ago

a shark needs at least 1250000000ml

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Q: How much water does a shark need to live?
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What climate does a shark need?

a shark needs warm water to live in because they are cold blooded

Why can't great white sharks live in fresh water?

it is because the shark need salty water to breath

Why do sharks live on the deep side of ocean?

Sharks live in salt water because they need the nutrients in there. They can live in fresh water but, they would soon die. they have evolved to be neutrally bouyant in the water and would sink faster in freshwater. molly

Where do a shark eat?

in the water. they preay on innocent swimmers

Has anyone found a bull shark in lakemead?

No. Lake mead is freshwater and bull sharks need salt water to live and reproduce. Also how would the shark get past the hoover dam.

Can sharks live on land?

No. Sharks cant survive on land because they need water to breath in... they cant breath in the humman oxygen ..... Some shark like the browned bamboo can survive for about ten minutes.

How come a shark is not a mammal it gives birth to live young?

A shark is not a mammal because they use gills to get the oxygen out of the water so they can breathe. The shark doesn't NEED to go above the water's surface. Whales use their blowholes to breathe. So they must go to the surface, otherwise, they will drown.Hope this helped! :)

Can Greenland Sharks live in freshwater?

Not for long.Only the bull shark has evolved to live in fresh or saltwater.

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how much does a leopard shark cost and how big of a tank will you need for it.

Why do sponges live in water?

well they need water but nothing much. you can get one at pets mart

How can you look after a shark in your back yard?

with great difficulty. Most sharks live in salt water, so you'd need a fairly big salt water aquarium, which is tricky and expensive in itself.

Why do tiger sharks need water?

idk maybe its cause there a shark and last time i checked they need water.... im a telling YOU ITS CUZ THEY NEED WAATHHH Because they are like any other shark. They need water to survive. Just like humans need food and water to survive. If you were to put a human in a room with no food they would die eventually. Same with the tiger shark. If you don't keep them in water they will eventually dry up and die.