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since it's mainly sugar water, an unhealthy amount.

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Q: How much weight can you gain drinking coke?
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Does gaining weight hurt?

sometime gain weight is good for body which prevent you from suffering but in some cases gaining weight is hurt like too much pregnancy weight hurt child's heart. smoking and drinking also harmful for body and one of the reason for weight gain.

How much does a can of coke make you gain?

Nothing but it is rather unhealthy.

Can you gain weight from eating grains?

If you eat too much you can gain weight from just about anyhing.

If you begin to take the pill or the patch will you gain weight and how much?

Yes there is a chance of weight gain with the pill, I am not sure about the patch, but I would not doubt it. There is no telling how much you will gain. I believe that the hormones are what makes you gain the weight. I can not guarentee that though.

How much weight do you gain before your period?

It all depends on the person and the water weight they retain. But normally you shouldn't gain much weight if any at all.

Is vitamin water bad for you like coke and does it make you gain weight or lose weight?

Vitamin water makes you gain weight, because of the amount of calories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS IS A LIE!!!! IT ONLY HAS TEN CALORIES THUS NOT MAKING YOU GAIN WEIGHT AT LEAST NOT FROM AMOUNT OF CALORIES...AND IT IS ALOT BETTER THAN COKE FYI! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vitamin water does NOT have only 10 calories. if you look on the back it says 50 calories PER serving, how much servings are there in a bottle? 2.5! that's 125 calories. it may not be as bad as coke but it can make you gain weight. it has about 32.5 grams of sugar, that's over 8 teaspoons! it doesnt even have REAL vitamins from nature, its artificial vitamins. DONT BELIEVE ME? go to this link vvvv

How does a human being gain weight?

u gain weight by eating to much. u would eat 24/7 non stop and when u eat to much fats and to much sugar it can cause u to gain weight

Does eating a lot of avocadoes help to gain weight?

Avocadoes are the most fatty fruit, but they may not help much in weight gain. If you easily gain weight, that will help.

How much soda should a person drink without getting kidney stones?

if you are talking about coke you sholden't be drinking coke at all but you can just make sure you don't drink coke 2 a day.

How much weight could you lose for exchanging water for cokes?

It depends how many cokes you normally drink in a day, and whether you drink high octane coke or the diet varieties - whatever the answers to those questions are, drinking water instead of coke likely to improve your health even if weight loss doesn't happen - and your teeth will thank you for it too!.

Is there side effects of drinking to much coke zero?

fireball baby if pregnant but worse case death