

How old is the turtle man earnie brown jr?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How old is the turtle man earnie brown jr?
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Is Ernie brown Jr dead?

Ernie Brown, Jr.'s birthday is January 15, 1972. As of May 14, 2014, he is 42 years old. He is also known as Turtle Man.

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Oswatomie Brown, Old man Brown, Old Brown, and Captain Brow.

What is the symbolism of the sea turtle in The Old Man and the Sea?

The sea turtle in "The Old Man and the Sea" symbolizes strength, endurance, and wisdom. It serves as a reflection of Santiago's own struggle against the hardships of the sea and embodies the idea of survival and resilience in the face of adversity. Just like the old man, the sea turtle navigates the challenges of the ocean with grace and determination.

Is is normal for a turtle to lose pieces of his shell?

it is normal for turtles to lose pieces from the bottom of their shell. i have a 3 year old long neck turtle of my own and he had a brown tummy and now it is white. this is due to the growth of the turtle.

The man known by his men as that goggle eyed old snapping turtle?

Gen. George Mead

What is a old turtle called?

An old turtle is simply called a turtle. There is no name for an old turtle; however a baby turtle is called a "Hatchling". YOUR VERY WELCOME BUDDY :)

Can your old turtle live with your new turtle?

no, it can not because it will not get along with your new turtle.

What did the envelope say that turtle saw in the Westing house?

the letter said that the old man is dead.

How old is turtle when she gets married?

turtle died

How old is The Turtle-Man?

I am not positive but i think he is like 47 or around the because. When he was 7 he caught his first turtle, and he has been doing that for 40 years ya... Simple math.

How old was the largest turtle and the name of the turtle?

He is about 100+ years old and his name is Lonesome George