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It will certainly give you at least 20 different random questions. I tend to click the random question button when I'm in the mood to answer just about anything. I always get a different question.

Once I asked the question why do bananas grow behind dolfins' ears?

Type it in the search box, there is an answer!!

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Related questions

What is the 'Random question' on WikiAnswers?

By clicking on 'Random Question,' it directs you to a random question. It helps if you are pondering what to answer, just click on Random Question to eliminate the problem!

Can you go to a random question in WikiAnswers?

Yes, just click the 'Random question' button on your blue side bar.

Who gives the answer to your question?

Random people, type in on google wikianswers unanswered

Why do people think that WikiAnswers has an answer for every random question?

because there is an answer to everything

How can you get to a random question on WikiAnswers?

To jump to a random question, go to the blue toolbar on the left side of the screen. Under the heading "Site tools," click on the link called "Random question" to take you to a surprise question.

What is the 'Random question' in the blue sidebar?

This button takes you to a random question on WikiAnswers. You can use this button to find interesting or obscure questions on WikiAnswers. The button doesn't serve any meaningful purpose - it's just for fun.

What is the best question to put on WikiAnswers?

IDK maybe "How do you get plastic surgury on your nose?" this was just a random question.

Why is there a 'Jump to a random question' button on WikiAnswers?

Here, try it:

On average how many times do you have to click the Random question button on WikiAnswers for the same question to appear twice?

There are over 20 million questions on WikiAnswers. Without doing the math, it is extremely unlikely.

Why are people typing random things on WikiAnswers and then submitting them?

The people who do that think that WikiAnswers is more like a search engine from the WikiAnswers database, so they type in what they would in a search engine, not knowing they are asking a question and not searching for a question like they would in a search engine.

What is the chance of finding your own question when you press random question?

There are over 20,000,000 questions on Wikianswers. It depends on how many Q's you've asked. Good luck.

What is the most random question ever asked on WikiAnswers?

How many people kill cheeseburgers in a day while eating tons of barrels of salt?