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Defensive or drug resistant viruses grow by mutation. Viruses are exposed to many cellular factors during the replication of viruses, some of the factors can do actually mutate the viral genomes. Viruses take advantage of these factors to form as a genetically modified (new) virus that may not be cured by a particular drug since the virus has evolved to escape from the effect caused by the drug!

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Q: How the defensive viruses grow?
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A biodefence is any defensive measure taken against an attack using bacteria, viruses or toxins.

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no. . . Because parasites and viruses can only grow on living matters... There may be saprophytes and bacteria growing in your food. . . Even parasites and viruses can be there but can not grow. .

All viruses require organic material for growth?

No, only a host cell to reproduce. (Viruses do not grow)

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viruses are non-living yet they can grow and spread through bodies

What is need for viruses to grow?

They need a living cell. It is essential for replication.

Relationship between sanitation and disease?

A lack of sanitation is a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to grow. These bacteria and viruses then affect the individuals visiting/living in these environments, and as a result, they are infected. [diseased]

Why scientist believe that virus are not living organisms?

viruses do not grow, and viruses do not respond to changes in their environment. Therefore, viruses are not living organisms. All living things reproduce, but Viruses need living cells to reproduce because Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.

What substance do you use to viruses grow in a laboratory?

the world may never know

Why eggs are often used to grow animal viruses?

Animal viruses need a living host animal to survive, so this is why eggs are often used to grow them. It was show that the flu virus could be grown that way in 1931.

What characteristic of living things do viruses have that ultimately create the problems you have with them?

it can grow and develop and reproduce