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Increase available light levels to between 12 and 14 hours per day and boost nutritional needs with a commercial laying formula available at all feed and grain outlets.

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go to the library and click on fairytales

then go on myms

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Eat less

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Q: How do you get the maximum amount of eggs from hens?
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How many eggs do chickens lay during weekly?

The maximum amount of eggs a female chicken can lay in a week is 7. Most hens do not lay one egg per day. The breed of the hen will determine how many eggs per week it will produce.

How many eggs do warren hens lay?

Warren hens are known for laying large brown eggs. These hens lay an average of 4 eggs each week. After a full two years of laying the amount of eggs that the hen produces will be reduced.

What type of breded hens lay eggs?

All hens lay eggs.

When does an female have the maximum amount of eggs cells?

when their born

What is the maximum number of eggs a hormone induced hen can lay per day?

Hens can only lay a maximum of one egg per day, and typically for 300 days a year.

Do boy hens lay eggs do boy hens lay eggs?

There is no such thing as a "boy hen". Hens are female chickens.

How do hens take care of their eggs?

on sitting on them Hens on a farm lay eggs into straw and the hens sit on the eggs until they hatch. Hens in large chicken farms do get to have such a luxury. The chickens' eggs are kept under heat until they hatch.

Do boy hens lay eggs am trying to say do boy hens lay eggs all year?

Hens are mom chickens and roosters are dad chickens. Only mom chickens, hens, lay eggs. They lay eggs all year.

Can you have 4 roosters and only 2 hens And will they get alongand can we eat the eggs?

no that wont work. the roosters will end up fighting. you need one rooster and how ever many hens you want. and yes you can eat the eggs. To add: the optimum number of hens per rooster of medium-sized birds is 12. Maximum, 20.

How many eggs do black-rock hens lay?

None. Roosters do not lay eggs, because they are males. They do, however, fertilize hens, who then lay eggs that can be either fertile or non-fertile.

What are battery eggs?

Eggs from battery hens, i.e. hens that are kept in cages (known as batteries) where several hens live together in one cage. These hens cannot roam freely as free-range hens can.

How many eggs will sixty hens lay in four weeks?

You want your hens are to the age of laying eggs (which is about 6 months), and your hens are under the age of three years (because when they reach this age, they are past their prime, and lay less eggs). Expect from your hens that every day 80% of the number of hens will be your number of eggs. So with this math, if you have 60 hens that are all in their prime, you can expect to get about 1344 eggs in four weeks.