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Q: How was the national government weakened by the articles of confederation?
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Why were the articles of confederation according to George Washington a failure?

George Washington thought that the Articles of Confederation had weakened Congress, leaving it unable to keep order, raise money through taxes, or deal effectively with European nations. He wrote, "The Confederation appears to me to be little more than a shadow without substance."

What is one reason that many people called for changes to the Articles of Confederation?

There were many reasons that led the people to call for changes to the Articles of Confederation. One such reason was because too many states fought among themselves which in turn weakened the government instead of united the colonies against Britain.

What weakened the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederations could not regulate commerce or tax the stated directly; where the 16th amendment comes into play. It however did help untie the west with the NW ordinance and land ordinance.

Why did the representatives of the states meet in Philadelphia in 1787?

They met in Philadelphia because they wanted to revise the weakened Articles of Confederation. Instead they ended up re-writing the Constitution.

Did federalists support the Articles of Confederation?

John Rutledge participated in the articles of confederation. He was from South Carolina so he supported the south and all of their decisions. In one of the arguments, he believed that slaves and Whites should be counted together when figuring the population for purposes of representation. When the question was asked: should the nationally legislature have the power to control trade and the slave trade? he was part of the south so he feared that the national legislature might place export duties on their crops, interfere with slave trade, and make commercial treaties favoring the north. He also helped make the constitution and signed it also.

What was the result of civil war?

The federal government was weakened

Why was pressure building for a new constitution during the 1780s?

There was a need for the new Constitution because the Articles Of Confederation were not enough to suffice the new nation. They lacked a Bill of Rights and weakened the new, unmatured America. The Constitution added the Bill of Rights and gave citizens basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc.

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They weakened Roman law and government

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They weakened Roman law and government

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They weakened Roman law and government

Did the constitution have a strong or weak central government?

Absolutely. The framers of the Constitution, including Madison, Hamilton, and Washington, had watched the country deteriorate under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles had left the states fully sovereign, while the central government barely functioned (it could not even raise its own revenue. It depended on contributions from the states, much like the UN). They saw veterans riot over the Confederal Congerss' inability to pay pensions, and they saw Shay's Rebellion nearly cripple the government of Massachusetts. The states also squabbled over their borders and fought for land in the west. It seemed that without a more unified central government, peace could not be guaranteed. So, when the framers met in Philadelphia in 1787, they sought to create a government strong enough to enable free trade among the states, quell domestic rebellions, and stand strong on the international stage. To do this, they had to prohibit the states from acting independently. Thus, the new Constitution actually did, and was intended to, take away rights from the individual states, and create "a more perfect union." It was only the Anti-federalists (opposed to its ratification), who were in favor of retaining states' rights. From then on, the central government has grown stronger, and the nation has been more prosperous.