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They didn't sneak by, they were just small and fast ships that could get away fast enough.

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Q: How were blockade runners able to sneak past the Union blockade?
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What were two examples of why the Union blockade efforts against the South were not as effective as some historians have believed?

Two of the deadliest Confederate raiding ships, the CSS Alabama and the CSS Florida were built by the British and both were able to slip past the Union blockade of Mobile, Alabama. These raiders demolished a huge number of Union cargo ships. It was not unknown by the Union that the British were building these warships for the South, yet both of them were able to slip past Union blockade efforts.The other example is cited by US Grant in his memoirs of the war. He wrote that after his siege of Vicksburg caused it to surrender, he discovered 60,000 rifles in Vicksburg, and the best ones were made by the British. Clearly, the blockade was not as effective as many historians seem to have believed.

What was one important income for the South during the Civil War?

Despite the Union blockade of most Southern ports, it was not a complete blockade. Thus some quantities of cotton were able to be shipped over to Great Britain during the war.

How can you use blockade in a sentence?

The troops tried to send in supplies but there was a blockade and they were not able to deliver them.

Did the north control the sea during the civil war?

Yes. The continuing blockade was a big factor in Northern success, starving the Confederacy of war-supplies. NEW RESPONDENT. The Union Navy was able to increasingly limit the access of the Confederates ports to the blockade runners, reducing the flow of supplies for the South, what worsened more and more its ability to face its military needs. But another aspect of the maritime war must be taken into consideration, that of the Confederates cruisers, whose action in the high seas against the Union merchant fleet, led to the virtual disappearance of the Union Flag from the international trading, whose place was soon taken by the British merchant marine and never more regained.

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What parts of the Confederacy were blocked by the Union during the US Civil War?

In terms of blocking as it pertains to the US Civil War, the Union attempted to blockade the important ports of the Confederacy. The blockade was successful to a degree, however, with no modern radar or ship to ship communications between Union warships, under the cover of night many privateers were still able to slip past blockading Union warships. To this day, the effect of the blockades with regard to their effectiveness remains under debate by historians. There is no doubt, however, that the Union blockades were not as efficient as the Union would have liked them to be.

What are the differences between technology in Vietnam and the US?

During our US Civil War of 1861-1865, the northern states were industrialized (and were able to produce war material, such as rifles and revolvers (musket & pistols) for the Union Army (US Army), etc.) and the Southern States were less industrialized, and were more of an "Agriculture" based economy (raising cotton, and tobacco, etc.) which is why the South had to "import" their rifles/muskets from Europe (which consequently caused the Union (US Navy) to blockade the South, which in turn created "Blockade Runners", etc.). South Vietnam was an "Agriculture" based economy, while the US is predominately an industrial economy (actually the US is strong in both economies).

What were the results of Union blockades in the US Civil War?

The Union blockades were generally effective. Blockade runners that made it through were highly rewarded, but the risks were very high. Many privateers were able to slop past the Union blockaders.

What if there were no blockade of the Confederate Coastline?

The South had two big cash crops. Cotton and Tobacco. If there had not been a blockade they would have been able to export their crops and import weapons as needed to fight the war. The war would have gone on for years longer and may have resulted in a draw, which would have been a win for the South.One of the biggest efforts the South made was to bust the blockade. The CSS Virginia (sometimes called the Merrimack by mistake) was one of a number of iron clad ships the South made to sink the Union ships. The CSS Hunley was also the first successful submarine, sinking a Union ship. They knew the blockade was a major factor against them.

Why did Edmund sneak off?

Edmund was able to drag Jeffrey to safety

Does Taco Bell have?

No, they would not be able to import anything from the U.S. because of the blockade.

What did the union use to cut off the supply of goods to the confederates during the civil war?

In order to continue to field armies for battles in the US Civil War, the Confederacy required the supply of food and weapons for its armies. The Union did all it could to cut off and deny the South access to the supplies it needed. One method was the Union's blockade of major Southern ports. This worked to a degree, however, supply ships were able to sneak past Union blockading efforts.The other method the Union used was the strategy of what is now called "exhaustion" . What this meant was that Union armies targeted civilian farms that were sources of supply to the Confederacy. All products that could be used to keep Confederate armies in the field were destroyed, even though this was civilian property. Also, the Union cut Southern rail links used to transport supplies and armies.