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Because, if there is a candle in a closed jar it will almost immediately go out. This is because fires cannot be lit without oxygen, and with a closed jar, no oxygen can come in. The fire eats up all of the oxygen, causing it to go out if not quickly exposed to oxygen.

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Q: How will the size of a closed jar affect the burning time of a candle?
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Do colored candles burn at the same rate as white candles?

The rate at which a candle burns is dependent on the size and composition of the wick, and the thickness, composition, and melting / vaporization rate of the candle wax. Color is not the dominant factor. Wind and temperature will also affect the rate of burning.

How long does it take for the candle to melt?

That all depends on the: - size of the candle - type of wax used to make the candle - the wick used in the candle

Does the wax affect how the candle burn?

I. Statement of Purpose and Hypothesis: My topic was about burning candles. I wanted to find out what color candle would burn the fastest. My hypothesis stated that, if I burned five candles, one red, one white, one yellow, one purple, and one blue, then the white one would burn the fastest. II. Methodology I tested my hypothesis by burning five candles. The materials that I used were a ruler, stop watch, black maker, candles, candle holders, and matches. The variables that were kept the same were the candle's brand, when we started to burn them, the length and width of the candle, room temperature, and distance between the candles. The only thing that was different was that the candles were different colors. To carry out my project I first set up the candles four inches apart. Then I marked a line one inch down form the wick on each candle. Then I lit them all at once. Next, I started timing how long it took each to burn. I stopped timing when the mark on each candle was gone. Finally, I recorded my data. III. Analysis of Data: The white candle didn't burn the fastest. The fastest burning candle was the yellow one which took twenty-two minutes and twenty seconds, then red which took twenty- four minutes and thirty seconds, then blue which took twenty-five minutes and eleven seconds, then the white candle which took twenty-five minutes and twenty seconds, and then the purple one which took twenty-six minutes and one second. IV. Summary and Conclusion: I found out that the fastest burning candle was the yellow one. Therefore, I reject my hypothesis which stated that the white one would burn the fastest. If I could do this experiment again I would make a few changes. I would make the mark on the candle two inches down instead of one inch down. I would also try other brands and colors of candles. V. Application: I learned that, if I ever wanted candles that burn fast, then I should get light colored candles because they burn the fastest. Color really has an effect on burning candles

How long does it take to burn a candle all the way to the bottom?

it depends on the size of the candle. no it really doesnt! so be quitte

Why would the time to put a candle flame out vary on the size of beaker put over the candle?

Because a larger beaker has more air init than a smaller one, so the candle has more oxygen to feed the flame.

Related questions

How does the size of the jar affect the burning time of a candle?

The Smaller the jar the less oxygen, the bigger the jar the more oxygen, and since the candle lives of oxygen the biggest jar with the candle in it will take the longest to burn.

Is it a physical change when a candle changes size by burning?

Yes, because the candle wax isn't actually burning, just melting

How can you change the burning time of a candle?

It can be changes by changing the size or the thickness of the candle, or changing the nature of the wax.

Do colored candles burn at the same rate as white candles?

The rate at which a candle burns is dependent on the size and composition of the wick, and the thickness, composition, and melting / vaporization rate of the candle wax. Color is not the dominant factor. Wind and temperature will also affect the rate of burning.

Does the size of a candle affect how fast it will burn?

just do the experiment... but i think so.

Does the wick effect how fast it burns?

"" To the best of my knowledge the speed of burning is a function of the size and volatility of the candle material. The wick serves only to keep the candle material melting, vaporizing and burning, it apparently burning at a higher temperature than the candle mass. See:

Does the color of the candle affect the amount of time a candle will burn?

no, actually it depends on the wick of the candle. the color has nothing to do with it. A candle with a straight wick burns better and longer than a candle with a crooked wick. Also the wax has a lot to do with it. Wax is the most important ingredient that makes a candle burn faster. soft wax has a higher oil content and lower melt temperature; therefore, it burns faster. Candles in jars have a soft wax, and pillar candles have a hard wax. the longest burning candles are pillar candles made of a blend of beeswax and paraffin. To sum it up: color makes no difference at how fast a candle burns. black candles burn no faster than white candles. Wick size is the primary factor determining the candle burning rate. the bigger wick will deliver more fuel to the burning flame.

What effect does color have on candle burning?

I'm sure it is true that different coloring agents have different degrees of flamability, but the effect would be too small to detect, since they are present in only trace amounts. Most candles are made almost entirely of parrafin and burn at the same rate - with some variation based on the size of the wick.

Does size and shape affect how candles burn if the candles have the same amount of wax?

The shape and angle of candle will effect how long a candle burns because when a candles reaches the middle of glass jar candle, the lack of oxygen to feed the fire causes it to go out.

Do different candle wicks affect how fast candles burn?

The rate at which a candle burns has little to do with the wick. It's all about the wax. When a candle is burning, what's actually on fire is the wax. Yes, the wick burns down along with the rest of the candle, but only the top of it is incinerated. The wick acts as, well, a wick. Liquid wax goes into the wick and up along its fibers by capillary action when a candle is burning. You are familiar with capillary action. That's where liquids, or the atoms or molecules of those liquids, climb around along or inside porous materials. Get a little drop of grease on a shirt, and soon there's a spot as big as a saucer,or at least it seems like it. (The size of the spot will be proportional to how much we like the shirt.) That's capillary action. The molten wax climbs up the wick and is burned when a candle is alight. There are different mixes of wax that permit longer burning, but that begets another question.

How long does it take for the candle to melt?

That all depends on the: - size of the candle - type of wax used to make the candle - the wick used in the candle

Ways that burning changes the nature of wood?

heat change in shape change in size change is texture, I think those are right anwser