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The serving authority for your court system (usually your County Sheriff's Office) will be able to tell you. Call them.

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Q: How will you know a temporary restraining order has been served?
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How do you fight a temporary restraining order in Ohio?

When you were served with the TRO, you should have been given a court date (most likely on the paper) and you will need to appear in court to plead your case.

You have been served a restraining order but shes calling me to get me in trouble what are my rights?

You need to speak to a lawyer in your area.

Can a parent contact a child even if the parent of the other child issues a temporary restraining order?

If a temporary restraining order has been issued, may I strongly suggest that you do not in anyway try to contact the child. However, please seek legal help to represent you at the court hearing.

Can a TX father get emergency custody of his 5 year old son concealed by his mother in a battered womans shelter for 2 weeks if no charges have been filed or restraining order served?

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Can your ex lift a restraining order against you as she asked not for one to be enforced but one as been anyway?

If there is a restraining order, it's probably there for a good reason. Do both of you a favor and just leave her alone.

When a restraining order is dismissed is visitation still in effect?

If there was a restraining order preventing one parent from seeing their children, and you have not filed for, or been given an extension on that order, it's best to take the matter back to court. You should have your original custody agreement amended to reflect the fact that there was a restraining order keeping the parent from the child.

If you got emancitpated from yourparents your legally an adult can you take a restraining order off that your parents put on?

Yes, if you are legally an adult and have been emancipated, you can take steps to have a restraining order that your parents have placed on you lifted. You can consult with an attorney who specializes in family law to guide you through the process and help you file the necessary paperwork to have the restraining order lifted.

What does two counts of stalking in Georgia means?

Two counts of stalking means that the stalker has stalked two people that they know of (could have been more) or, the stalker was served a Restraining Order; broke the rules of that Restrain Order and is back in court on a second count for the same victim.

Petitioner violating restraining order in Florida?

If the restraining order is against the Petitioner (as in a case where there are counter-petitions), the Petitioner may be arrested by any sheriff's office.Additional: In FL, even if no counter-petition has been sought or awarded, the petitioner is bound by the same restrictions as have been placed against the respondant. As stated above, the petitioner CAN be arrested for violating the provisions their own restraining order. The petitioner cannot use their order as a weapon against the respondant.

Can someone that put a restraining order be in your home?

There are different types of restraining orders. Some have certain clauses in them that stipulate IF and WHEN a person is allowed to come to your home.. For example, in custody cases where there are children involved, the recipient of the restraining order may be allowed to come to the address on specific dates or times to pick up the child. IF the restraining order SPECIFIES THAT THE PERSON IS NOT ALLOWED TO COME WITHIN ____ AMOUNT OF FEET/YARDS. then that INCLUDES YOUR HOME, WORK, and ANYWHERE YOU ARE! You could be at a RESTAURANT and if the person that the restraining order is against shows up without knowing you are there, THEY HAVE TO LEAVE THE PREMISES. The restraining order should specify the PLACES the person is not allowed to be, INCLUDING your address. That should be right on the order. IF the person COMES TO YOUR HOUSE you MUST CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY, because it is a felony to disobey a restraining order. Also, if you don't follow the restraining order and you allow the person to visit, the judge probably won't take you seriously when you file for an extension if the other person can prove that you have been calling THEM, contacting THEM, etc. YOU may find yourself with a restraining order and THAT is not good because then they can have you arrested for almost any reason. It also shows up on any computer of law enforcement that a restraining order has been issued against you, even years afterword.

What if you have been his meal ticket what are the chances that the narcissist will leave you alone?

Not good. 2 words for you: RESTRAINING ORDER.

How do you respond to a temporary restraining order issued by a Massachusetts court?

In Texas a TRO must include a date for a hearing, which must be within 14 days of issuing the order. During that 14 days, your best bet is to marshall your evidence for the hearing. That is, evidence and proof that support removing the TRO. The TRO has a time, date and place for the hearing. SHOW UP FOR THAT HEARING! If you don't, the Court will likely convert the TRO to a "permenent" Restraining Order (which will be periodically reviewed by the Court). If the other party fails to convince the Court that you should be permenently restrained, he will have to pay all your costs and fees. Good luck