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1w ago

The sound of a stick hitting the ground is often spelled as "thud" or "whack."

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How does the drum make sound?

by hitting with a stick or hand

How does a musical instrument triangle make its sound?

by the vibrations from the stick thing hitting the metal.

How is a drum used?

by hitting it with your hand or striking it with a drum stick the shell will vibrate creating a large sound

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yes it stick on ground.

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Vibrations caused by a stick, mallet, or one object hitting another. Snares and the bottom of the snaredrum vibrate when the top of the drum is hit.

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Hitting the egg, often with a belt or a stick.

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"Stick Click"

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by hitting a ball round a pitch with a stick!

What kind of music is in South America?

Latin music South American instruments: instruments from south America. Guiro: wooden instrument. You would rub a stick along it to make sound. Bongos: It is a Cuban instrument. Sound is made by hitting the two drums. Claves: wooden cylinders. Hit the Claves together to make sound. Maracas: They are filled with grains or small pebbles and shaken. Cencerros: Hit with a stick

Where first game of golf played?

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