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YES Chewing Gum is chewed at high altitude, some people chew gum when they Take off from a plane or start the landing process...because the rapid decrease or increase of altitude will make pressure on your ears...witch MAY hurt a bit, too relieve some people chew gum...

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Q: IS Chewing gum chewed at high altitude?
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Can Aids be transmitted by chewing a chewed piece of gum?

Yes. I don't suggest sharing chewing gum with a person that had aids.

Does john Lennon like chewing gum?

John usually chewed gum when he was nervous.

How do you spell used chewing gum?

chewed gum

Why is bubble gum supposed to be chewed?

Bubble gum is supposed to be chewed because it is healthier to chew it than chewing your nails (as long as the gum is sugar free).

How much does a can of chewing tobacco weigh?

Chewing gum is considered indigestible and will not make a person fat. The average weight of chewed chewing gum is 2.7 grams.

How old does chewed gum have to be before it stop stickIng to shoes?

how old does chewing gum have to be before it stops sticking on shoes

Did Justin bieber ever chewed gum?

yes. i saw this video on YouTube of him giving his chewing gum to someone. And another video of him putting him chewing gum in an empty water bottle and giving it to a fan.

Can you die because you chewed gum?

Well you cannot exactly really die of chewing gum. But there is research that if you chew gum for too long, it'll damage your brain, so try to limit chewing gum times to 10-15 minutes

How many pieces of chewing gum has alex furgerson chewed?

as many times as you have ever seen the moon

Was chewing gum discovered or invented?

It is a little of both. Native Americans chewed resin made from the sap of spruce trees and New England settlers picked this up. In 1848 John B. Curtis made the first commercial chewing gum by boiling resin, cutting it into strips, and coating them with cornstarch to keep them from sticking together. Chewing gum goes even further back in time . Thousands of years ago the most common chewing gum was sweet grasses, leaves, grains, and waxes. The Ancient Greek chewed mastiche, the Mayans chewed the sap of the Sapodilla tree.