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i am 39 weeks along and have been losing my mucus plug gradually for almost 2 weeks now.

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Q: I am 37 weeks and I'm losing my mucus plug now how long do i have now?
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Pink mucus in pregnancy at 34 weeks?

Maybe you are losing your mucus plug

12 weeks pregnant with cramps anal pressure and losing some mucus plug?

Why the hell are you asking what to do on this website. Go to the hospital immediatly

You are 37 weeks pregnant and lost your mucus plug now Two days later nausea and cramping is this normall and when could you deliver?

First, you should call your doctor, right now. Second, any baby delivered after 36 weeks is considered full term, so losing your mucus plug at 37 weeks is normal.

How long after mucus plug loss does labor begin?

Everyone woman is different when it comes to dilation. Some may not start to dilate until their water breaks and even then, some woman do not start then. I've been a new mother now for 3 weeks. It took me over a period of 3 days to completely lose my mucus plug and I started my dilation before I lost my mucus plug and even then it took me 2 more weeks to have my son. So just be patient, your wonderful bundle of joy will be here sooner than you think!! Congratulations!

How soon should you see a doctor when you lose your mucus plug?

As soon as possible, as losing your mucus plug can be fatal within 24 hours.

If you are 36 weeks and 3 cm dilated and lost your mucus plug how much longer do you have?

It could be hours, days or weeks. In my case, I was 36 weeks 6 days, lost the mucous plug and had the baby 5 hours later. But, from what I've read, there is no firm correlation between how dilated you are or losing the plug and the length of time you have left.

Is it safe to go in a swimming pool after losing mucus plug?

It is safe to swim in a pool after losing your mucus plug because your membranes are what's keeping the baby safe. Your membranes break when your water breaks.

Can you only dilate after you loose your show?

It is possible to dilate without bloody show or losing your mucus plug.

Pink Gooey discharge 40 weeks pregnant?

Maybe a "show" where you are losing the mucus plug that has been in your cervix until this point. If you are also having contractions, labour is on its way. If you are not having contractions, labour may still be a few days (or weeks, but at 40 weeks probably not) away.

I am 37 weeks pregnant and having light discharge Does this mean I am going into labor?

It could be that you are losing your mucus plug, so yes, it could mean that you are going into labour, but not necessarily

Should you immediately talk to your doctor after you lose your mucus plug?

Yes! Immediately! Losing your mucous plug means that your water is about to break and you are about to go into labor.

37 weeks dialated to 2cm lost mucus plug and having contrations?

Losing a mucus plug can occur several weeks before you actually deliver. It is not a sign of labor or pending labor. You will know when your contractions are true when they don't let up upon resting or after walking. Try taking a warm bath or shower to relax. When your contractions are every 5 minutes lasting at least a minute for an hour, then you will want to contact your doctor.