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could be lots of things - go see a doctor.

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Q: I feel sick all the time why?
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Why do you feel sick and dizzey all the time?

it could be related to tiredness

Do you feel sick after kissing?

You should not feel sick after kissing. The only time you would feel sick is if the person you kissed was sick and passed germs on to you. However, you would not feel sick right away.

Can air conditioning units make you feel sick?

rarely. most of the time they make u feel better if u feel sick.

Do all animals get sick?

this would be hard to prove, but surely all animals will feel pain or ail sometimes in their life time

Why do i Feel sick all the time and now for last 2 months been vomiting after eating?

If your a female then you could be pregant

Is it okay to feel sick after sex?

Yes. Most of the time it is from the all the being pushed inside you. It can make you have a stomach ache or feel like you need to throw up.

What is you feel sick in dutch?

I feel sick is: Ik voel ziek Do you feel sick is: Voel je ziek?

Why In the morining do i feel sick when i have to poop then when i do it i feel like i am going to be sick and get all hot and i dont have a good poop only a little bet comes out?

your a tree

You never feel sick in the morning What is wrong with you?

Nothing at all is wrong with you. Most people are never sick in the morning.

Where do you get a tattoo that does not hurt as much?

i feel sick all over get in that van.

Im not felling sick and im six week pregnant is this normal?

It is completely normal to not feel sick. I have two children and didn't get sick at all with my first, not so lucky the second time around. Don't worry and enjoy this special time. You are the envy of many women in your shoes...good luck!

How do you know when your cat is sick?

If it doesn't feel comfortable. If it is sick and you don't have time to take it to the vet , you should just keep it warm