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DON'T commit suicide. It NEVERsolves problems

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Q: I finished Ranma 1 2 and now I am depressed that the pain is unexplainable i started to cry because i cant take it and I am having suicidal thoughts what should I do?
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Why do people think being depressed means I'm suicidal?

Some people may mistakenly assume that being depressed automatically means a person is suicidal because they associate depression with extreme sadness and hopelessness. However, depression is a complex mental health condition that can present differently in each person. While suicidal thoughts can be a symptom of depression, many individuals experience depression without having thoughts of suicide. It's important for individuals to seek help and support if they are feeling depressed, regardless of whether or not they are having suicidal thoughts.

How do you know if your thoughts are suicidal?

If your thoughts are of how to kill yourself, wanting to kill yourself, and/or thinking it would be better if you were not alive then your thoughts are suicidal.

Why do you want to die when everything in your life is going great?

Some people have horrible suicidal thoughts like these because they are clinically depressed, which is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and not by external factors.

Are suicidal thoughts normal?

No. They interfere with your mental health. But while these thoughts may not be normal, you aren't the only person dealing with suicidal thoughts. There are thousands who have felt the same way you do. You are not abnormal or an outcast just because of suicidal thoughts. Please check the related questions and links.

Is it okay that you wouldn't mind dying?

This path of thinking can result in suicidal thoughts. If you never have thoughts of killing yourself and you believe your life has value and meaning then I don't see where you not minding death is a problem. If you do start thinking suicidal thoughts, don't be afraid to speak out and get help. You won't be the first to have suicidal thoughts and you won't be the last.

What does it mean to have suicidal tendencies?

Having suicidal tendencies means experiencing thoughts or feelings of wanting to end one's own life. These thoughts can range from fleeting ideation to more persistent feelings of hopelessness and a desire to commit suicide. It's important to seek help from a mental health professional if you are experiencing suicidal tendencies.

Can you take Strattera and smoke marijuana?

you can but if you have a tendancy towards depression you might not want to as strattera can increase suicidal thoughts and pot is a depressant

What causes suicidal thoughts?

Depression, rejection, sorrow/sadness, despair

Why did Beethoven think of killing himself?

There is some speculation that Beethoven struggled with suicidal thoughts in the last few years of his life because of his deafness. By 1820 he was completely deaf and it's no surprise that a musician who could no long hear music was feeling depressed.

How are SSRIs linked to suicide? between SSRIs and suicide attempts in depressed adults remains controversial. Three studies in early 2005 drew conflicting conclusions.2004, the FDA concluded that.SSRIs.increased the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children.

Do we hurt each other when we tease each other relentlessly?

Well it would might hurt someones feelings or they might not care but i chose not to tease anyone only if they are teasing me yes it can hurt someone because when you are teasing someone relentlessly are making the other person depressed or even having suicidal thoughts. when they have suicidal thoughts it makes them go emo (or cut themselves) so i would say yes it is Very hurtful to the other person.

What are signs of hidden anger?

Heavy breathing, shaking/trembling, occasional smart-alek responses, homicidal thoughts, suicidal thoughts, genocidal thoughts, etc., etc.