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End The relationship with This ahole and try to make other connections, also suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. and if you feel that nobody wants you to live ...I Do! See a counselor or an adult.

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Q: I have only one friend and he is an ahole to me do I just put up with it or have no friends Ive been considering suicide recently and need help WHAT DO I DO?
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OpinionThere is no Bible verse that can make a difference to someone considering suicide. Too many Christians, including quite pious Christians, have committed suicide for the Bible to be a source of help. What your friend needs is understanding and support, evidence that there are those around who would miss him or her, and a reminder that life is worth living. In some cases, it is important to seek help from a health professional.

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It sounds like it'd be better if you just weren't friends with her. If she can't respect you, your girl, & your relationship, she's not a real friend anyway.

What should you do if your friend reacts really badly to only wanting to be friends... You understand they'd react badly no matter how subtle you told them but they're considering suicide?

First, check the related link, there is a list of things you can do and also has some phone numbers. The website, and many mental health professionals say that you should always take it seriously. Tell her parents or teachers, anyone who could get your friend help.