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I know how you feel, thats also how mine was. But inorder to HAVE a strong and healthy relationship with your new BF, you need to forget that old relationshiop and fully emerse yourself into this new one. Thats the only way you can begin to trust him :) i hope that my advice helps? :)

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Q: I love my boyfriend dearly but since my old relationship was hard it is hard for me to trust?
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Ask yourself why he isn't your ex-boyfriend. No trust, no relationship

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if you can't trust your boyfriend, then you probably shouldn't be in a relationship with him, or should have better communication

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Because your relationship lacks trust.

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It depends on your relationship and how commited you two are. If you trust him then believe in him.

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You should ask him, a relationship is built on trust, and can't survive without it.

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No. especially since i trust my boyfriend...So... do you trust yours? ask yourself. trust is important.

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You can't "show" him you trust him without trusting him. Since your question is posted under long distance relationships, it may be fair to assume that your trust issues have to do with him being far away and you not being able to monitor his activities. Consider this, your choices are to trust or not to trust. If you don't trust him, he will resent that lack of trust and may go elsewhere to find a relationship with someone who does trust him. If you do trust him and it turns out that he's not worthy of your trust, what have you lost? You can't make him behave by not trusting him, but you can harm the relationship by showing him that you don't trust him. A lack of trust is not only bad for the relationship, it's bad for you. Assume the best about your boyfriend (and folks in general) and then, if and when they demonstrate they aren't worthy of your trust, move on.

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If you really love & trust him then yes, it's more romantic when you're in a long distant relationship. You can have fun with it.

What should I do if my boyfriend see's me sad?

Tell him why your sad trust is always good in a relationship

Your boyfriend got asked out be another girl what should you do?

Well you should definitely have faith that your boyfriend will do the right thing and decline the relationship. And lets be real, if you don't think he will do that there's no use in being in the relationship. because you clearly don't trust him and when you don't trust someone you will NEVER have a stable relationship with them. :D "here to help" Definitely, if you can't trust that he is going to say the right thing then there is no point in staying in this relationship, relationship revolves all around trust and if there isn't any than there is no relationship.

How can a girlfriend trust her boyfriend?

A girlfriend can trust her boyfriend by asking him if she can or be testing to see if she can. A girlfriend can set up some simple experiments by saying things that she already knows is true and then testing to see if her boyfriend is honest with her. Also, trust takes time and if the girlfriend has lost her trust in her boyfriend then he's got to get it back. Or he will be costing their relationship, big time.

What to do when your ex tells your boyfriend that he wants you back and your boyfriend doesn't trust you around him?

Tell your boyfriend that if you wanted to be with your ex you would be. Clearly you chose him and no matter what the ex says there is nothing that will make you go back to him. That relationship ended for a reason. Your boyfriend doesn't have to trust your ex but he have to trust you or there will be no relationship. Jealousy is never easy but it's the jealous person that have to deal with it in order to be able to have a strong relationship and he will not do that by making you responsible for his jealousy. You the other hand can try to avoid situations where your ex is.