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If court ordered, it does not matter the location of the child, but he should file an injunction. see link

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Q: If a custodial parent leaves the state is the other parent responsible for medical bills?
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Can a custodial parent get in trouble if that parent leaves the country for vacation and leaves minor child with step dad?

It depends on the exact language in the custody decree, but ordinarily a custodial parent is allowed to place a minor child in the temporary care of any responsible adult.

What if custodial parent leaves child with grandparent?

The non-custodial parent can file for custody.

Is a non custodial parent responsible for cosigning when the custodial parent can't get an apartment on her own?


Is the custodial parent responsible to pay for visitation travel expenses when non-custodial parent lives out of state?

If the custodial parent is the one to move, than yes.

If the custodial parent remarries is the noncustodial parent still responsible for support?

Yes. They are still the child's parent and responsible for supporting their child.

Who is responsible for expenses during the non custodial parent weekend?

that parent see my profile

If a child leaves their home to live with the noncustodial parent is the custodial parent responsible for child support payments?

No, the parent whom the child began residing would need to file for custody and also support before the original custodial parent would be obligated. However there would be no guarantee that a court would grant the motion.

What happens when custodial parent drops kids off at non custodial parents house and leaves them?

Leaves them permanently or in violation of court ordered custody/visitation time? In either circumstances, the non-custodial parent may file an action for contempt of court against the custodial parent and/or file for custody/visitation modification based on the same.

When a custodial parent dies is child support from a non custodial parent still due?

Of course. Unless the non-custodial parent takes sole custody, the non-custodial parent is still responsible for paying child support to whomever the child goes to. There is no reason the death of a parent should terminate the other parent's child support obligation.

In Washington state what parent is responsible if 16 year old without insurance is in accident?

The custodial parent.

If the non-custodial parent leaves the state does the minor child have to visit them?


Can you drop medical coverage for your dependent children when they obtain state Medicaid coverage?

When a non custodial parent is ordered by the court to pay medical coverage, and the custodial parent applies for Medicaid that does not mean that the dependent child's medical coverage can be terminated by the non custodial parent. The ordered insurance becomes the primary insurance, and Medicaid becomes the secondary.