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No. In most cases your parole officer will have you meet him on street corner annually to be in compliance.

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Q: If a parolee has no where to parole does he have to his parole in prison?
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Can a person be on probation and parole at the same time?

Yes, however, it's very rare. Under general circumstances, if the individual is on parole, then they've just been released from a state correctional facility. For the individual to be put on probation (after release), it means that the parolee committed a new crime, which means the parolee also violated the parole agreement. If this were to happen, usually, the parole would be revoked and the individual would go back to prison. However, in rare circumstances, the parole board will give the parolee "another chance", and not send the parolee to prison.

What happens when one parole officer is ok with a parolee leaving the county without telling him but then a new parole officer assigned puts out a warrant for the parolee for being out of the county?

The parolee is arrested and his parole is violated. He is returned to prison and serves his term until his next parole date comes up. Understand, these people make the rules. Learn the rules, lay down, and do what you must to get off paper.

Can a parole officer lock you up if you disobey a order that's not even written on your parole terms such not going to go community service?

Yes, a PO can return you to incarceration for disobeying his directives. The PO has full direct supervision of the parolee. As such the parolee is required to do what he is told, when he is told, how he is told--much like while the parolee was a prison inmate. Legally, there is no difference between actual incarceration and parole. Parole is just a change of venue.

Does time on parole count towards a parolees prison sentence in Kentucky?

No, time spent on parole does not count towards a parolee's original prison sentence in Kentucky. Parole is a form of supervised release granted to eligible inmates after serving a portion of their sentence in prison. It is a separate legal status from serving time in prison.

What is guideline for judicial parole violator?

In many states, parole violators may be returned to prison (at the discretion of the parole agent) for up to thirty days, during which time the parole board will make a determination regarding the parolee's case.

What happens when a parolee tests positive for alcohol?

If it is a term of his/her parole they could be risking going back to prison. They may get a warning, but they may not.

Can parole help you get your records clear?

Parole is a release from prison before the entire sentence has been served. While on parole, the parolee must meet certain conditions and requirements, which usually include obeying all laws, not associating with known felons or gang members, not using drugs and/or alcohol, seeking employment, and meeting regularly with a parole officer. If the parolee fails to meet these requirements, he can be returned to prison to serve out the remainder of his sentence. Parole has nothing to do with clearing records.

Do parolee have a Right not to reveal their personal problems to employees but the parole officer violates parolee's privacy right?

When a parolee fails a drug test just a tiny bit, his parole officer lets him off on the condition parolee reports to drug test immediately afterwards. Parolee's bossman had a talk with parole officer. Suddenly employee cut off all contacts because Parole Officer told employer parolee failed drug test just one time 3 months ago. Does the parole officer have a right to tell employer or did the parole officer violate the parolee's Privacy Right?

Does a parolee have any privacy from the victims?

No, a parolee has limited privacy from anyone as long as he is on parole.

How can parole officer search a roomer house or group home where a parolee rent a bedroom?

The parolee signed a waver of rights when he met his parole officer for the first time. Essentially, in order to stay free, the parolee is made to give the parole officer that right.

Can parole officer verbally abuse a parolee And if they do how much trouble can a parolee get into if the parolee does the same?

It's probably not a good idea to verbally abuse your parole officer. Just take it (his or her verbal abuse) and do what you're supposed to do.

How do you get an address for a parolee?

You may send any correspondence "Care Of" the parole office to which the parolee reports. His parole officer will see that the mail is received.