


Prison Incarceration

"Prison Incarceration" deals specifically with questions and issues faced by those who are in prison or the family members or friends of those currently incarcerated in prison. Questions addressing post prison incarceration issues are also welcome.

1,903 Questions

Where are federal prisons?

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Federal prisons in the United States are located throughout the country, with facilities in various states. Some well-known federal prisons include ADX Florence in Colorado, United States Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois, and Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York. The Bureau of Prisons oversees the federal prison system and manages the facilities.

What is the biggest prison in the world?

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The Cummins Unit in Arkansas, USA, is one of the largest prisons in the world. It can accommodate around 1,850 inmates.

How much food can you send to Collins correctional facility and what else can you send?

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Each correctional facility will have specific rules and limitations on the amount of food you can send to an inmate at Collins Correctional Facility. Typically, items like sealed packages of snacks, canned goods, and personal care items are allowed. It's best to check with the facility directly for their specific guidelines.

Oldest man in prison?

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The oldest man in prison is Masazo Nonaka, a Japanese man who was born in 1905. He was convicted of murder in 1971 and is currently serving a life sentence in a Japanese prison.

CAN and HOW inmates get education while serving time?

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Inmates can access education programs in prison through classes offered by prison staff or external organizations. These programs can include adult education, vocational training, college courses, and even online learning. Inmates may have the opportunity to earn a GED, vocational certificate, or college degree while serving their sentence.

How does prison life affect an individual?

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Prison life can have negative impacts on an individual's mental health due to factors like isolation, limited freedoms, and stress. It may also affect their relationships, job opportunities, and overall well-being long after they are released from prison. Additionally, the experience of incarceration can lead to increased chances of re-offending due to the challenges of reintegration into society.

What percent of inmates have access to computers in US prisons?

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Approximately 10-20% of inmates in US prisons have access to computers for educational or vocational programs. However, access to computers may vary depending on the facility and program availability.

What percentage of all overall national corrections budget is spent on incarceration?

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On average, about 60-70% of the national corrections budget in a given country is typically spent on incarceration expenses, such as operating prisons and jails. The remaining budget is allocated towards community corrections programs, parole, rehabilitation, and other aspects of the criminal justice system.

What is the black population of british prisons?

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As of 2021, Black individuals make up around 12% of the total UK population, but they represent a much higher proportion within the prison population at approximately 25%. This overrepresentation highlights existing social inequalities and systemic issues within the criminal justice system.

How many inmates are on death row in Ohio?

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As of 2021, there are approximately 137 inmates on death row in Ohio. This number can change due to new sentences, appeals, and executions.

What is the average cost of inmate per year in prison in Washington state?

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According to the National Institute of Corrections the cost per inmate in Washington per year is $37,303, compared to the national average of $28,689. These figures are from 2009 and have likely increased around 5% at least.

How many people are in Israeli prisons?

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As of 2012, approximately 11,000 of Israel's citizens are in prison.

There are also Palestinian criminals in Israeli prisons and these people also number 4,772 individuals as of December 2011.

What percentage of the prisons in the US are privately owned?

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Approximately 8.4% of state and federal prisoners in the US are housed in privately operated facilities. However, the percentage of privately owned prisons can vary by state, with some states having a higher proportion of privately operated prisons than others.

What percentage of black men are in prison compared to whites and Hispanics?

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Black men are disproportionately represented in U.S. prisons, making up around 34% of the total incarcerated population while accounting for only about 6% of the country's population. Compared to whites and Hispanics, black men are incarcerated at a much higher rate.

How many convicts were put to death in the US between 1976 and 2016 and what year were the most executed?

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Between 1976 and 2016, a total of 1,437 convicts were executed in the United States. The year with the highest number of executions during that period was 1999, with a total of 98 individuals put to death.

Of the felons convicted in state courts in 2002 what percentage were sentenced to active prison terms?

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Approximately 46% of felons convicted in state courts in 2002 were sentenced to serve active prison terms.

How many people are in prison in canada?

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As of 2021, there are approximately 40,000 people incarcerated in federal and provincial prisons in Canada. This number fluctuates due to various factors such as arrests, sentencing, and releases.

How many people are murderers?

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Well you walk past 36 people that are murderers in your lifetime.So you have probably already walked pass a murderer already.

What is the longest pee on record?

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The record for the largest group of women to visit a toilet ... The longest pee delivered at one continuous scoot was one of 36 mins 24secs by Mr George

How many people are currently 2007 sentenced to life in prison in the US - How many to the death penalty?

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Nearly 128,000 people, or one of every 11 offenders in state and federal prisons, are serving life sentences, according to the study released yesterday by The Sentencing Project, a Washington-based group that promotes alternatives to prison. In 1992, 70,000 people had life sentences.

Who holds the record for the longest time spent on a tightrope - 205 days?

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The record for the longest time spent on a tightrope is held by Jay Cochrane, who spent 21 days on a tightrope stretched between two towers in Niagara Falls in 1985. The claim of 205 days on a tightrope does not have credible evidence to support it.

What percentage of US prisoners are in prison for drug related offenses?

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Approximately 15% of the total US prison population is serving time for drug-related offenses.

Did Dr. Seuss go to prison?

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yes because he was cought drinking gin at drackmouth when it was not allowed

If found with contraband in prison what are thr consequences?

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If someone is found with contraband in prison, they could face disciplinary actions such as loss of privileges, isolation, or extended sentence. Additionally, they may face criminal charges depending on the type and amount of contraband found.

Who holds the record as the worls longest-term prisoner?

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The worlds longest term prisoner has been held in prison since 1958! wow that's a long time

William Heirens was incarcerated by the Illinois Department of Corrections on 4 September, 1946. The 79 year old is currently being held at the Dixon Correctional Center, Dixon, Illinois, and has been the state's guest for 61 years. It is possible that he is the longest continuously-held prisoner in the world.