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Polar bears fur is actually clear. The hair of a polar bear looks white because the color white becomes visible to our eyes when an object reflects back all of the visible wavelengths of light, rather than absorbing some of the wavelengths.

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6y ago

The skin of the polar bear is actually black for the reason that it absorbs heat from the sun. Since the hair is clear, some of the solar energy does reach the black skin.

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What does a penguin a zebra and a polar bear have in common?

they all have the colors of black and white on their outsides. (The polar bear has black skin)

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What color is a polar bear when it is not around snow?

White. The polar bear will be white even away from snow.

Why is the polar white?

The Polar Bear is white because of the sunlight shining on it.

What is white inside a white bear and in a land of white?

A smaller polar Bear

Is there only one species of polar bear?

yes there is only one polar bear its named the white polar bear

How does a polar look?

Like a white grizzly bear.the polar bear is a white bear. it looks like any normal bear bu it's white

Why is the polar bear's tongue black?

Black is the best absorbant color for light. As the hair of the polar bear transmits light to the skin it is best that the skin is black to absorb the light energy - which is a good thing for an animal living in the arctic. "?"Black is the best adsorbent color for light.As the hair of the polar bear transmits light to the skin it is best that the skin is black to adsorb the light Engracia is a good for an polar bear.

What is a big white bear called?

the big white bear is called polar bear

What are a polar bear's favorite colors?

They have no favorite colour.

Is a polar bear's fur white?

No. polar bears have clear fur. not white

What is the color of the polar bear?
