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Q: If self employed in the UK would you get rebate on premises (rent rates bills) if not earning for the first few years?
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Related questions

What is rebate on bills discounted?

Rebate is the money you get back after the purchase. Example. I pay $5 for Candy. Due to a coupon I gave the cashier, I receive $2 in rebate.

What do you do with the coins once you start earning?

Save some and use others to pay bills

is it true that I could get a grant tobuy a house and pay my bills.?

How can i get assistance You can get a tax rebate if you buy your first home this year. You do not get grants to pay your bills, but contact an accountant to find out if you qualify for the Earned Income Credit.

How do you reduce cost to company?

You should start by reducing any necessary overheads for instance: Reduce Staffing to bare minimum. Move to a smaller premises. Shop around to reduce utility bills.

What are the advantages of installing solar panels for a home?

If someone installs solar panels on their home then they will benefit from cheaper energy when the weather is good. They will also get a rebate sometimes on their power bills if they generate enough power to feed back into the grid.

What is buildabearvillie?

buildabearville is a virtual world where you create a person and walk around making friends and earning bear bills to buy clothes and furniture. you do not need to pay anything and is 100% free.

W What happens if you get hurt at work as a bartender receiving a shift pay with no taxes or w-2 who is responsible for medical bills?

You would be responsible for your own medical bills. You are probably being treated as a self employed taxpayer (contract worker). You will have to deal with the payer of your services about this matter.

What costs are covered under workers comp?

Medical bills, hospital bills, rehabilitation, medications� basically the medical side of your injury. The wages you lost by not being able to work. Permanency, scarring, scarring or residual loss of earning capacity. You also are reimbursed the mileage it takes you to travel to and from medical facilities.

How does continued education fit into emancipation?

To be emancipated means you have to support yourself which means earning money for rent, food, bills, and car. To be able to earn money you need to have some form of education or training.

Why should you save for retirement?

Because 1. You will no longer be earning 2. You will still have to pay your own bills 3. The cost of living would keep increasing and even if you manage to get a meager pension it may not be enough

Does Magnum provide a cash advance if your credit is not so good?

So long as you have been employed for a minimum of three months, have a bank account (checking or savings), and pay your bills regularly and on time, you shouldn't have a problem.

What happens if family member dies who is responsible for the bills?

Then someone else has to assume that responsibility. If you mean what happens if the only employed person dies, then you'd need to refer to local social welfare regulations in whatever country you live in.