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Q: If the condom broke while it was inside you and he ejaculated is there a high percentage of you getting pregnant?
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If you were wearing a condom ejaculated into it and put another one on like 5 minutes later can she still get pregnant?

Not unless you had no barrier when you ejaculated into her. If you had the condom on and ejaculated into the condom while you were inside of her, then exited her and changed condoms (unless the condom broke) you could not get her pregnant. The only way for her to get pregnant is if you ejaculated into her or emptied your fluids into her (and most condoms have spermicide). If neither are the case, it is nearly 0% chance that she could get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if he ejaculated and then when he pulled out the condom came off?


What are the chances of getting pregnant with a condom but he was still in when he ejaculated?

Condoms are a good source of contraception if you use them properly, and they do not tear/break. If the condom didn't tear/break then, even if they did ejaculate inside you, there is very little chance you would get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if a condom got stuck in your vagina an he ejaculated in it?

Yes, if the ejaculatory fluids came in contact with your vagina you can get pregnant.

Could you be pregnant cause the guy you slept with didnt use a condom and ejaculated in you and you slept with it in you?


Could you be pregnant cause the guy you slept with didnt use a condom and ejaculated in you and slept with it in me could i be pregnant?

Yes, that's how pregnancy usually starts.

What is the percentage of getting pregnant WITHOUT using any contraception?

There is no known percentage for definate. if you use a condom then there is roughly a 5% change of getting pregnant, where as if you use no protection or contraception, the risk is considerably high. if you dont want to become pregnant you may want to consider birth control, and also without a condom you run the risk or catching an STI or STD.

What are the chances of being pregnant if the guy stuck it in and out?

there really wasn't much information for an answers. but here we are: if he ejaculated inside there is a chance, if he was wearing a condom and ejaculated there is a small chance, if he didn't ejaculate there is basically no chance.

How can you trick him into getting you pregnant?

Put a hole in condom.

What are your chances of getting pregnant with a split condom?


What are the chances of a fourteen getting another fourteen year old pregnant on first try?

There's a 25-75 chance favoring that you would not get her pregnant. You could use a condom and not get her pregnant, or you don't use a condom and you have a chance at getting her pregnant.

Is there a possibility of getting a girl pregnant if you use a condom and pull out in the end and if you knew the condom was sturdy?

there could be a possibility but it is very much rare to get her pregnant.