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its a normal fault

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Q: If you could observe only the land surface around a fault how could you tell if the fault is a strike-slip fault?
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If you could somehow stand on Jupiter's surface and observe Ganymede (and any of the other moons,) then yes, they would exhibit the same phases as earth's moon.

Why did people observe stars during the 1600's?

They were there, above their head most nights - they could not help but observe them.

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Do boys usually ask her friends to observe their crush for them?

honestly, i have no idea. Im a girll and i wonder that all the time. If its true, it could be goood or bad depending on how you act around him and his friends.

What is a negative surface area?

This isnt factual but I think its a clever way to think of this. positive surface areas cause something to go around the object, no surface area (empty space) you could go right through, so by thinking along those lines you could go through space faster than your actual velocity by passing through a negative surface area.