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if you have sole custody and he has visiting rights you need to find a modus operandi to allow him some visits, best solution is consentual

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Q: If you divorce your husband in Maryland and get custody of your daughter can you leave the state with her?
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You divorce and get custody over your kids or just get full custody!

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The rights your ex-husband will have once you divorce will all depend on what the judge rules. He could have joint custody or split custody.

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I think it depends on where you were married. You should consult a lawyer to find out exactly what you should do, especially if you have a daughter, there will be custody and child support involved.

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Child support is paid to the wife so she can have money to raise the child. Maybe your husband made more money than his wife when they were still married. It's all in divorce papers. Talk to your husband about it.

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If your husband has joint legal custody he can contest you moving the child form the state where you share custody

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The best thing to do is to seek legal counsel from an attorney .

In a divorce your husband can take your child?

Yes, if he wins the custody Battle. He would have to go to court for that, though.

Sentence with word visitation?

During the divorce proceedings, the wife got custody of the children but the husband still has visitation rights on weekends.

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Take him to court and ask for sole custody, make sure you have documentation that he is not assisting in your daughter's needs.