

If you get a HIV rash can the test detect HIV?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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If you get a generalized rash within weeks of possible HIV exposure, early diagnosis and treatment are important. While the standard antibody test is unlikely to detect HIV at this point, other testing will be effective. Be sure to speak candidly about your risks and concerns with your health care provider so that the right test is ordered.

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Q: If you get a HIV rash can the test detect HIV?
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How are you able to detect this HIV?

With an hiv test

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No, it's only detected by a chlamydia test.

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There is no rash associated with HIV.

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(HIV) is usually diagnosed with a blood test. Cultures for HIV are possible, but rarely needed for diagnosis.The FDA also approved an HIV test in 2004 that can detect HIV in saliva.

In what year was a blood test to detect HIV founded?

The first test licensed for HIV testing was the ELISA test in 1985. ELISA detects antobodies to the HIV virus, which indicates that the person has been exposed to the virus.

Why is it important that a person refrsin from risky behaviors for at least three months prior to an HIV test?

Because it can take 3 months for the test to detect the antibodies from the HIV infection.

Why cant people be diagnosed as HIV positive straight away?

The tests most commonly used to detect HIV do not test for the virus itself. These types of tests detect antibodies the body produces in response to HIV infection. The body does not immediately start producing antibodies in enough concentration for the test to detect them. Depending on the test, it can take up to 6 months after exposure for someone to test positive. The amount of time required for accurate results varies depending on the test. For more accurate information about HIV and the testing process, I encourage you to check out

What does hiv blood test reveal?

The standard HIV test, whether a rapid test or one sent to the laboratory, will detect the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus. When the body becomes infected, it will attempt to fight the infection by developing antibodies. Therefore, if a test finds antibodies, it has in essence indicated that the HIV virus is also present.

What does an HIV blood test reveal?

The standard HIV test, whether a rapid test or one sent to the laboratory, will detect the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus. When the body becomes infected, it will attempt to fight the infection by developing antibodies. Therefore, if a test finds antibodies, it has in essence indicated that the HIV virus is also present.

Why is confirmatory test sometimes used to diagnose HIV?

Most forms of HIV testing do not test for the virus itself. The tests are designed to detect antibodies that are related to HIV infection. Although extremely accurate, it is important to confirm any reactive test, making certain the anitbodies that were detected are indeed those from HIV infection.

What confirmatory test used to detect antibodies to HIV antigens of specific molecular weights is called?

Western Blot