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26 December is known as Boxing Day in Australia. This tradition originated in the UK. Boxing Day is celebrated all over the United Kingdom. People 'box' clothing, food and other items to be donated to the poor. In life, Stephen was the deacon chosen by the apostles to distribute alms to the poor.

Unfortunately, in Australia, the tradition of boxing up good for the poor is not followed. Boxing Day is a time of greater greed and consumerism than that seen in the lead-up to Christmas, as many large retailers hold huge sales on Boxing Day, with people lining up for hours outside the doors, waiting to be first in for the Boxing Day sales.

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Q: In Australia the December 26th feast of St. Stephen is known as what?
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Which saint celebrates their feast day on Boxing Day?

A number of saints share December 26 as a feast day but the best known is Saint Stephen, Deacon and Martyr.

What is the holiday known as Boxing Day?

December 26 is the feast day of Saint Stephen, deacon and martyr. His ministry was to collect food and other items for distribution to the needy members of the Church in Jerusalem. It is sometimes referred to as 'the Feast of Stephen' or Boxing Day, a day devoted to 'boxing food and other items for the needy.

What is the feast is on the 26th of December?

December 26 is the feast of St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr. Also known as 'Boxing Day' in the U.K. when people box up clothing, food and other items for distribution to the poor. St. Stephen's job as a deacon was to distribute alms to the poor.

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No, St. Nicholas Day is December 6 and Boxing day is December 26, the feast of Saint Stephen.

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December 26, St. Stephen's feast day, is known in the United Kingdom as Boxing Day. Families 'box' clothing, food and other items to give to the poor. When Stephen was appointed a deacon by the apostles he was given the responsibility of distributing alms to the poor.

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The 26th of December in Ireland is known as St. Stephen's Day.

What is a description of Saint Stephen's Day?

Saint Stephen was a deacon charged with distributing food and necessities to needy members of the Church in Jerusalem. His feast day, December 26, is called 'Boxing Day', a day for boxing up items for donating to the poor and needy. It is observed in several countries.

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