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The weighing of the heart was when someone would go into the after life and there heart would be weighed on the scales of truth if the heart weighed more than the feather of truth the person was not allowed in to the afterlife and there heart was tossed away!! if the heart weighed more than the feather it meant that the person was bad and not worthy enough for the afterlife .True stuff!!!!!!!

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Q: In Egyptian mythology where the afterlife weighed on the pureness of there heart?
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Why was the heart of a dead Egyptian weighed?

According to the myths, your heart was weighted so you could get into the Afterlife. Your heart was put on a scale, and if it weighed more then a feather, you would not get into the Afterlife. If it weighed less then a feather, you would get into the Afterlife..

This is the Egyptian form of heaven?

The Egyptians believed in an Afterlife. If you did good deeds your heart would weigh less than a feather if you didn't do enough good deeds your heart would weigh more. The Egyptian Afterlife god who ruled the Underworld weighed your heart and if it weighed less than the feather on the scale you were permitted to enter the Underworld but if it weighed more, you were rejected.

What did the Egyptian think happened after death?

they thought the god of the death, anubis, weighed the heart, and depending on the weight, the person had a good or bad afterlife

Why did the Egyptian believe in the good afterlife?

There was a ceremony. They'd take out the dead pharoah's heart. If it weighed more than an ostrich feather, they lived a good life, and will go to the afterlife. If not, then they lived a bad life, and will not go to the afterlife. It was they're belief, like our religions and beliefs today.

What are characteristics of Egyptian afterlife?

The Egyptians took the heart and weighed it against "The Feather Of Truth". If they were the same weight, the human being would be allowed to move on to the afterlife. If the feather was lighter then the human being was sent to what the Egyptians believed was the "underworld".

What did Egyptians think was weighed in the afterlife to determine your worth?

They thought your heart was weighed against the feather of truth by Anubis.

What are the 3 most common gods on Egyptian tombs?

The 3 most common gods in Egyptian Tombs were~ * Anubis- he weighed the pharaoh's heart in the afterlife to see if they could pass * Osiris- He watched over the Dead in the Underworld * Ra- He was the sun- god that brought light in the real world

What was the heart supposedly weighed against to determine if it entered the afterlife?

The feather of truth

Why did Egyptians believe in a good afterlife?

Because, if the pharaohs heart weighed more than an ostrich they will go to the afterlife and live a Good life on.

What gods did people believe in Egypt?

They believed in many gods and goddesses, you could look up Egyptian Mythology and find some interesting things. But some of the gods and goddesses were Bast, she was the goddess of cats, felines, things like that, Isis, the goddess of magic, Anubis was the god that led the dead to the afterlife, he wasn't the god of death but he was the one who weighed their souls with a feather to see what their fate would be.

Why was the heart the only internal organ left in mummification?

Ancient egyptians believed it was to be weighed in the afterlife.

Parts of the body weighed by Anubis of mummification upon entry into the afterlife?

la walla khuz