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They were a political patriotic group called The Sons of Liberty.

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Q: In the Boston Tea Party who threw the 342 crates of tea in the Boston Harbor?
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What were the ship from Boston tea party throwing?

The Boston locals boarded the ship and threw the crates of tea leaves it was carrying into the harbor.

What is a description of the Boston Tea Party?

Some of the colonists dressed up as Indians to disguise themselves, and threw crates of tea off the British ships coming into Boston, into the harbor.

What is a description of Boston tea party?

Some of the colonists dressed up as Indians to disguise themselves, and threw crates of tea off the British ships coming into Boston, into the harbor.

What was the effect of tea act?

The people of the colonies threw the tea in to the Boston Harbor. We have called this the Boston Tea Party.

What did they do at the Boston Tea Party?

The Sons of Liberty threw tea off of the boats The Dart Mouth, The Eleanor and the Beaver. This resulted to more then 342 crates being thrown into the harbor.

What is the name of the event in which Samuel Adams and paul revere threw british tea into Boston harbor?

The Boston Tea Party

What group of patriots boarded ship and threw crates of tea into the harbor?


Was Silas Bent involved in the Boston Tea Party?

Silas Bent was born in Massachusetts, in 1744, and it is said that he was one of the party who threw the British tea into Boston harbor.

What did the colonists throw into the Boston harbor?

The colonists threw tea into the Boston Harbor.

Who threw tea into the Boston harbor?

The son's of liberty threw the bags of tea into the Boston Harbor.

Details of the Boston Tea Party?

the men who led it were john/sam adams,they dressed up as mohawk indians, and they threw out 342 crates of tea in all

Did colonist threw coffee into Boston Harbor?

No they Threw tea into it