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Hitler toutred people in many horiffic ways that i would rather not talk about. But his Police (SS) would use ther dogs, hang them, drown, starve, burn, freeze, perform surgery on them while they were awake, poision them, etc.

He also would keep certain people for work mostly the men. They would stay in bug,disease filled bunks with different people. They had to carry dead bodys from one place to another.

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13y ago
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15y ago

In a Simple version, Hitler in Germany put Jews in Concentration camps where the Jewish could die from disease, starvation, or being shot by one of the soliders. The sick were killed no matter what. And if the work didn't kill them, Germans put Jewish people into gas chambers, or set them on fire. This is all during the Holocaust.

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14y ago

Jews were kill by many things like died of starvation, forced labor, lack of disease control, individual executions, and medical experiments, they were also MOST LIKELY killed by the gas chamber, which (to avoid panic) the Nazis said was a shower

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They were treated in the same way as other Jews: one couldn't buy oneself out of the Holocaust.

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In the Holocaust itself rich and poor Jews were treated alike: they were slaughtered. (One could not buy one's way out of the Holocaust).

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The Jews were in danger because the Nazi's were trying to kill them all.

What was the name of the big oven used in the holocaust to kill the Jews?

It was known as a crematorium

How did the Nazis kill the Jews in the German Holocaust?

They told them they where having a shower and the they gased them all.

What was the name of the genocide the nazi s used to kill 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust.

What was Adolf Hitler's relationship or connection to the Holocaust?

he hated jews so when he took power in germany he decided to put millions of jews into concentration camps and kill them in nasty ways. this is the holocaust

How were Jews victims in the holocaust?

They were victims in the way that they were persecuted and killed.

What were the effects of Hitler trying to kill the Jews?

The effect was that about 6 million Jews lost their lives in the Holocaust and millions more suffered.