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existing technologies are perfected.

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Q: Incremental product development is most likely to occur?
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Which of the following would most likely occur if the vagus nerve was damaged?

development of a rapid heart beat

Volcanoes and earthquakes are likely to occur?

Yes, they are likely to occur.

Does development occur in stages or it is continuous?

Development can occur in stages or continuously, depending on the context. In some theories, development is viewed as progressing through distinct stages with specific milestones, while in others, development is seen as a continuous process with gradual changes over time. Both perspectives have been supported by research in areas such as cognitive, social, and emotional development.

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Victimization is most likely to occur when

What are the disadvantages of the continuity theory?

Some disadvantages of the continuity theory include potential for overlooking significant life changes or transitions that can occur in older adulthood, as well as oversimplifying the complexities of individual development by assuming smooth and incremental progression. Additionally, the theory may not adequately account for the impact of external factors such as societal changes or unexpected life events on an individual's development.

Self-discolsure is most likely to occur?

Self-disclosure occurs in the early life of relational development. Thhis contain only one person.

Do thunderstorms most likely occur in the east coast?

no, they most likely occur wherever strong updrafts occur.

Why are tornadoes less likely to occur in the polar region?

Tornadoes are a product of thunderstorms, which are fueled by warm, moist air. Polar regions are too cold.

Why does evolution produce homologous structures?

Evolution works by tinkering with what is already there. It is far more likely that an advantageous change to an existing structure can occur than a gross change providing an advantage. An example would be the transition from fishes to amphibia. Small incremental modifications to fins to provide some of the functionality of walking limbs are far more likely to occur than limbs suddenly sprouting from a body where there was nothing there before, which would be nigh-on impossible.

When is a stock split most likely to occur?

A stock split is most likely to occur when

Where does the development of fetus occur?

in the uterus.

Why is it necessary for the germ line to become separated at such an early stage of development?

The more times a cell divides, the more likely that errors will occur in DNA replication. By separating the germ line early in development, it reduces the chances of a mutation.