

Is Cortana always naked

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Sadly, yes.

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Q: Is Cortana always naked
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Cortana was created in 2001.

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Cortana is an AI (Artificial Intelligence)

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It can be, but not always. You are naked in the shower of course.

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Cortana is a character from which game?

Cortana is a character from the game Halo. The voice behind Cortana is Jen Taylor. Halo is based on a fictional artificially intelligent character. While the game is in play, Cortana provides the back story and tactical information following the Master Chief.

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Because it's not cortana it's a different AI . Its name is Serina.

Does cortana die?

no. if you beat halo3 on legendary you see anther video it shows master chief and CORTANA alive

Who is cortana?

Cortana is an advanced holographic AI that helps Master Chief in his battle against the covenant. She is from the Halo series.