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Q: Is Gift tax is a direct tax?
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List of direct and indirect taxes?

In India... the list of direct and indirect taxes.. is as following.. Direct Tax: Income tax corporation tax property tax inheritence (estate) tax & gift tax Indirect tax: customs duty, central excise duty, service tax, sales tax, value added tax (VAT), securities transaction tax

Is income tax a direct tax or indirect tax?

As many people know, the state and federal government level taxes are the direct form of taxation;for example, corporate taxes are another form of direct tax--those taxes levied against income earned by corporations. soc sec , medicare, estate and gift taxes are more types of direct tax, as is the income tax charged by the state you live in. The simple definition of a direct tax is one that you have no choice in paying.

What is the tax percentage for gift tax?

The tax percentage for the gift tax is generally 45 percent.

What is the gift tax for 200000dollars?

90000 dollars is the gift tax of a gift of 200000 dollars.

Is wealth tax a direct tax or indirect tax?

direct tax

Is toll tax direct OR indirect tax?

Toll tax is a direct tax

What is sales tax on car if the car is a gift?

gift = no sales tax

What is the difference between direct tax and non-direct tax?

difference b/w direct tax and indirect tax

Is capital gains tax direct or indirect tax?

direct tax

What are examples of direct tax?

The two examples of direct tax is Income tax and Wealth tax.

To use direct tax in a sentence?

An income tax is an example of direct tax.

Who pays tax on 20000 gift to another person?

Gift tax, when applicable, is paid by the one giving the gift,