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Neither. Jupiter is a gas planet. It does not have a definite surface.

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Q: Is Jupiter's surface rocky or flat?
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Is jupiters surface dry and rocky?

No. Jupiter is a gas giant, so it does not even have a definite surface.

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Mars has flat areas and rocky areas, just like Earth.

Will a basketball bounce higher on a flat surface or a rocky surface?

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Neither. Saturn is a gas giant. It does not have a solid surface.

What is below Jupiters armosphere?

a deep rocky core actually that isnt true. jupiter is a gas giant. jupiter has no real surface. it is all gas

what is jupiters surface?

very cold

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very cold

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Jupiter dosent have a surface. And if it did, you wouldn't be able to see the moons because of the 30 mile thick clouds!

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a description of mars is 60% of mars is rocky and 40% of mars is a flat surface

What is Jupiters terrain like?

Jupiter is a gas giant so it has no surface terrain but the terrain deep within it's gasses is most likely just a rocky core.

Why is Jupiters surface red?

Because there is a really big storm on it