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The "black hole" itself is not an object and does not exist. It is just the point of rubicon wherein once passed, nothing can escape the singularity's gravitational pull, hence "black" hole; light (Photons) cannot even escape. However, the singularity within the black hole is an object. It's an object of infinite density and extreme mass compressed into a very tiny point.

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8y ago

A black hole is an object or what remains of an object that has completely collapsed under the force of gravity. The distortion of spacetime is so great that within a certain radius it is impossible to move away from the center. The result is a sphere that is completely black as light cannot escape.

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It is an object, and it is in outer space, so yes.

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What celestial body is rumored to be at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy?

A super-massive black hole

What is the only celestial body that could trap an object at 300000000 meter per second speed?

A Black hole can trap anything that gets near it.

If light does not escape a black hole does it just sit there?

Light continues to circle around the 'black hole' in what is called the 'Schwartchild radius before disappearing into the event horizon'. This is how that scientists are said to find the 'black holes'; they find the bright 'circles' with a black hole in it. light cannot escape a black hole because the escape velocity (the velocity needed to escape the gravitation pull of a celestial body) of a black hole exceeds the speed of light.

What is bigbang and black hole?

Big Bang: When space started. Gas, dust and rock particles explode from it and eventually forms celestial bodies. Black Hole: When a star dies or loses its brightness, develops into a dead star or a black hole.

What do you do when entering a black hole?

the black hole will imediately suffocate you because of the impact it has on your body

When you are sucked into a black hole where are you going and where do you end up?

When you are sucked into a black hole you'll get destroyed. The matter of your body will remain in the black hole.

What would happen to your body if you fall in a black hole?

Your body will feel stretched and your body will stretch harder and form into pieces, that is before you fall in the black hole.

Which thing is dark more then night?

A Black Hole. Night is darker than day, but there is still artificial light and the light of celestial bodies. However, light cannot escape a black hole in space, so the area occupied by a black hole appears darker than night.

When does the black hole form?

A black hole is formed when a star or other large body collapses on itself.

What does your body do when it is in a black hole?

It explodes! Gory

What information can you learn about a celestial object just by measuring the peak of its black-body spectrum?

Its temperature.

What would you call a small dense celestial object with a gravity so strong even x rsys are trappedf by it?

A black hole ofcourse