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Yes, a cnidarian is an invertebrate.

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13y ago

Yes, cnidarians are invertebrates.

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Q: Is a cnidarians an invertebrate
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Related questions

What are the Most complex group of invertebrate?

the most complex group of invertebrate is cnidarians

Which invertebrate animals have bodies shaped like a sack with openings at the top - sponges or cnidarians?


Which place is the most popular place for cnidarians?

Cnidarians are invertebrate animals with stinging cells and include the jellyfish, coral, and annenomes. Cnidarians are most commonly found in salt water oceans however the hydra is found in fresh water.

Are spnges and cnidarians verebrate or invertebrate?

I assume you mean sponges, and they are obviously invertabrates (they lack a back bone).

What does cnidarians look like that makes it different from other invertebrate groups?

Most cnidarians have tentacles with stinging cells surrounding their mouth. The mouth is the only body opening. All cnidarianshave radial symmetry.

Are echinodermata vertebrates?

Any member of the Phylum Cnidaria is an invertebrate as they do not have a backbone or spinal cord. Cnidarians include jellyfish, polyps (e.g. Corals and anemones) and other marine stingers. Vertebrates include only some members of the Phylum Chordata: specifically, mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

What are all of the invertibrate groups?

An invertebrate is an organism that lacks a backbone. The 6 groups of invertebrates are sponges, cnidarians, worms, mollusks, echinoderms and arthropods.

What are the characteristics of cnidarians?

All cnidarians have on their tentacles stinging cells called nematocytes. They have no brains or a central nervous system. Another common feature is that they all can regenerate, letting them produce asexually (without the need for another partner) and to recover from injury.

How do sponges and cnidarians obtain food and what do they eat?

Cnidarians have strings to get their food also to get protection they are also divided in three groups what they also have that sponges dont is string cells and they have a simple nervous system . On the other hand,Sponges have No symmetry they never move and have no organs . Thanks for using my answers to help you with your science work .

What creatures have a backbone?

All animals in the invertebrate kingdom. This includes all insects.

What are two types of cnidarians that are formed by colonies?

small cnidarians and big cnidarians

Are jellyfish vertebrate?

No. Jelly fish dont have any bone, so they are a invertebrate.