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It depends where you want to go, and how fast you want to get there.

Normal hot air balloons can only go where the wind take them.

The speed is as of that depending on the winds.

If the wind is too strong, it would not be good for the balloon.

If the wind is weak, you would not get anywhere in "reasonable" time.

The Germans experimented with Zeppelins. Enormous balloons filled with a gas that was lighter than air. I believe they used Helium, but I am not sure.

One problem of these enormous constructions was static electricity.

It is believed that static electricity was the main cause of this kind of travel never to become available to the public after there was a mayor catastrophe and the ship caught fire. (Hindenburg)

Hot Air balloons are believed to be pretty safe, but they are mostly used for the view, not for the purpose of actually travelling anywhere.

On a clear day with not much wind at all, you can float slowly away. No noise, no rush, complete relaxation as your eyes are filled with the views.

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