

Hot Air Balloons

Hot air balloons were first invented by the Chinese in the mid fourteenth century. Learn more about these contraptions in this category.

1,781 Questions

Who was the first person to use a hot air balloon?

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Montgolfier in France in the 18th century.

What is the purpose of the flame that is lit below a hot air balloon?

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To increase enthalpy.
the burner uses flames to heat the air so the balloon will rise

Why do you use hot air for hot air balloon instead of cool air?

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Hot air is used in hot air balloons because when the air inside the balloon is heated, it becomes less dense than the surrounding cool air, causing the balloon to rise. This buoyancy principle allows the balloon to ascend and float in the sky. Using cool air would not provide the necessary lift for the balloon to fly.

How is a hot air balloon able to float with a flame?

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A hot air balloon floats because the air inside the balloon is heated by a flame, making it lighter and less dense than the surrounding cooler air. This temperature difference creates buoyancy, causing the balloon to rise. The pilot controls the balloon by adjusting the temperature of the air inside the balloon.

Why do air balloons rise when heated air is trapped inside the balloon?

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When the air inside the balloon is heated, it becomes less dense and lighter than the surrounding air. As a result, the balloon rises because it experiences a buoyant force that is greater than its weight. This principle is based on Archimedes' principle, which states that a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.

When is a hot air balloon behaving like an air mass in a high pressure area?

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A hot air balloon behaves like an air mass in a high pressure area when it is descending. As the balloon descends, it enters a region of higher atmospheric pressure where the surrounding air is denser. This denser air can cause the hot air balloon to slow down and even sink if it cannot maintain its buoyancy.

What are the similarities of a hot air balloon and an air ship?

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Both hot air balloons and air ships are lighter-than-air aircraft that use gas to achieve flight. They both rely on the principle of buoyancy to stay aloft, with hot air balloons using heated air and air ships using lighter-than-air gases like helium or hydrogen. Additionally, both types of aircraft offer a unique and serene way to experience flight from a different perspective.

Why balloons move up?

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Balloons rise because the gas inside them is less dense than the surrounding air. When the gas molecules in the balloon are heated, they spread out, causing the balloon to become less dense and rise.

How does an hot air balloon react to a high pressure area?

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In a high pressure area, the hot air balloon will tend to float lower as the surrounding air is denser and exerts more pressure on the balloon. This can cause the balloon to descend unless the pilot adjusts the temperature of the air inside the balloon to maintain altitude.

What types of matter are in a hot air balloon?

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In a hot air balloon, you will find air, which is a mixture of gases. The main gas used to inflate a hot air balloon is heated air, while the envelope of the balloon is typically made of lightweight and heat-resistant materials like nylon or polyester. Additionally, there might be minor traces of moisture or other particles present in the air inside the balloon.

Why can't you believe what a balloon says?

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Balloons cannot speak or communicate information because they lack the capability to do so. They are objects made of materials like rubber, latex, or plastic, and do not possess the mechanisms needed for verbal communication.

Did Jean Pierre Blanchard invented the hot-air balloon?

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No, Jean Pierre Blanchard did not invent the hot-air balloon. The hot-air balloon was actually invented by the Montgolfier brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne, in 1783. Jean Pierre Blanchard was a French inventor known for his advancements in balloon technology and for being one of the first people to successfully cross the English Channel by air in a balloon.

Is a hot air balloon filled with helium?

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No, hot air balloons are typically filled with hot air to become buoyant and rise. Helium is an alternative gas used in some balloons, like party balloons or weather balloons, due to its lighter weight than air.

What helps a hot air balloon go higher?

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A hot air balloon goes higher by increasing the temperature of the air inside the balloon. When the air inside the balloon is heated, it becomes less dense than the surrounding air, allowing the balloon to rise. Pilots can control the altitude by adjusting the heat to maintain the desired height.

Does a hot air balloon pollut the Earth?

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Hot air balloons do not produce emissions or pollution because they are powered by propane burners that heat the air inside the balloon. However, the use of propane as fuel can contribute to air pollution. Overall, hot air balloons have a relatively low environmental impact compared to other forms of transportation.

Does energy from burning of gas in a hot air balloon transfer to the air around it?

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Yes, when gas is burned in a hot air balloon, the heat energy is transferred to the surrounding air, causing it to expand and become less dense. This creates the buoyancy needed for the balloon to rise.

Why do balloons shrivel up?

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Balloons shrink or shrivel up when the gas inside them cools down, causing it to contract and decrease in volume. The latex or rubber material of the balloon is elastic and will conform to the reduced size of the gas inside, making the balloon appear shriveled.

What gas do hot air balloons have?

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Hot air balloons are typically filled with propane gas, which is burned to heat the air inside the balloon. As the air heats up, it becomes less dense than the surrounding air, causing the balloon to rise.

Where do balloons go when they fly away?

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Balloons that fly away typically end up in the atmosphere where they can eventually deflate and fall back to Earth. This can have harmful effects on wildlife and the environment as the deflated balloons often end up as litter. It is important to properly dispose of balloons to prevent this from happening.

What makes the air balloon go up and move in the sky?

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An air balloon rises due to the hot air inside it being lighter than the cooler air outside. By controlling the temperature of the air inside with a burner, the balloon can go up or down. To move horizontally, the balloon must catch wind currents and navigate by ascending or descending to find different wind directions at various altitudes.

What does the hot air balloon have in the middle?

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The hot air balloon has a basket in the middle, which holds passengers and the pilot. The basket is attached to the envelope of the balloon, where hot air is used to generate lift and make the balloon float.

What were the first animals in a hot air balloon?

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The Montgolfier brothers launched a balloon with a rooster, a sheep, and a duck. If the animals survived they would know if humans could breath at high altitude. This happened on September 19, 1783.

How can you put glitter in a balloon without air going out of it?

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One way to put glitter in a balloon without letting the air out is to use a funnel. Insert the funnel into the neck of the balloon and carefully pour the glitter inside. This will prevent air from escaping while filling the balloon with glitter.

Which process caused rainwater to disappear in outside hot air?

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The process that causes rainwater to disappear in hot air outside is evaporation. When rainwater is exposed to high temperatures, the heat causes the water molecules to gain energy and change from liquid to vapor, which then becomes part of the air.

Why are hot air balloons so large?

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Hot air balloons are large to provide enough lift to carry the weight of the basket, passengers, and fuel. The volume of hot air inside the balloon determines its lifting power, so the larger the balloon, the more hot air it can hold and the more weight it can lift. Additionally, the size helps make the balloon more visible and stable in the air.