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The correct answer is NO. A stop sign is considered a Regulatory Sign.

Regulatory signs are typically the colors black, white, and/or red. Regulatory signs regulate traffic and tell a driver about a law. Examples include speed limits, yield signs, one way streets, do not enter signs, no turning, no parking, and (yes) stop signs.

A warning sign, on the other hand, is typically diamond-shaped and the color yellow, orange or pink. They warn you of possible changes in the use or condition of the roadway ahead.

A stop sign is not warning you to stop. It is TELLING you to stop because that is the law.

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No it's a regulatory sign

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Q: Is a speed limit sign a warning sign?
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Is a speed limit sign a regulatory sign or a warning sign?

RegulatoryAdditional Information: (in the US) If it is black lettering on a white background it is regulatory.If it is is black lettering on a yellow background, and usually accompanied by a road condition sign it is advisory.

Is a speed limit an example of a regulatory sign?

Yes. A speed limit sign is an example of a regulatory sign.

What is the distance after a speed limit sign before the speed limit is enforced?

In the UK the speed limit comes into force as soon as you pass the speed limit sign. As such the distance is zero as you should have slowed down to the posted speed limit before passing the sign.

When the yellow light on the school zone speed limit sign is flashing you do not have to observe the posted speed limit on this sign?

When it is flashing the speed posted is the limit

When the yellow light on the school zone speed limit sign is flashing you do not have to observe the posted speed limit on the sign?

A motorist is expected not to drive faster than the speed limit on the sign until the school has been passed.

Who invented the speed limit sign?

It is unknown who invented the speed limit sign. However, the first maximum speed limit was the 10mph (16km/h) limit introduced in theUnited Kingdomin 1861.

What is the maximum speed limit in a residentialif there is no speed limit sign?

It varies by jurisdiction.

Are cops supposed to give you a warning before signing you a speeding ticket and being your first time they should write you a warning?

The warning was on the speed limit sign you blew by. There is no requirement for the officer to let you off on your first ticket.

When there is a speed when does that speed limit stop?

When another speed limit sign is reached that changes the limit from the previously posted one.

Is a speed limit sign an example of a warning sign?

No, this is informational sign or mandatory observation sign.No it is a mandatory observation sign.No. It is a statement of roadway law for that area. I guess you could look at it as a warning, though. If you don't stay within the limit you will could get cited.true

What is the name of A rectangular- shaped sign with Black and White Lettering is which of the choices?

Regulation Sign Example will be the Speed Limit 50