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Not necessarily. The word totalitarian is generally only applied to some 20th century dictatorships. A key feature of totaliarianism is the politicization of all activities, including leisure.

Ealier absolute monarchs did not do this.

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Q: Is an absolute ruler a totalitarian dictator?
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What is a person who holds total control over a government called?

a dictator Dictator is good. You could also call him or her an absolute monarch, an autocrat, an authoritarian figure, a totalitarian ruler.

What kind of ruler has absolute power?

A ruler who has absolute power can be called a dictator or despot.

Does a totalitarian government have an absolute leader?

Yes and its called a "Dictator." :D

A ruler who has almost absolute power.?

In ancient times, but it is equally true in all ages, a ruler who governs completely and also oppressively is properly described as a dictator or tyrant. While tyrants may differ from each other in particular ways (governmental and otherwise), all are similar in wielding total control of society and in making decisions based not on the good of the whole but by whim, irrationally, or simply for the sake of their own pleasure or security.

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In Caesar's time, a ruler who was given absolute power was called a dictator.

Who was an absolute ruler of the empire in times of emergency?

An absolute ruler in the empire under the republic form of government was a dictator. Under the principate the "emperor"was the absolute ruler at all times.

Hitler was what kind of ruler?

Hitler is a dictator- a single ruler with absolute power on the country over which he rules.

Was Hitler a democratic ruler?

Not quite. Hitler was a totalitarian ruler. ___ There is a very funny film based on him, starring Charlie Chaplin: its title is "The Great Dictator".

What is a ruler who has complete authority over government and the lives of people?

A dictator. An example of a dictator would be Adolf hitler.

What is a ruler with absolute power and authority and whose word must be obeyed?
