

Is but a coordinate conjunction

Updated: 4/20/2022
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8y ago

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Yes, it is.

The 7 coordinating conjunctions are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (FANBOYS)

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Kari Denesik

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Q: Is but a coordinate conjunction
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Is a coordinate conjunction a type of subordinating conjunction?

no, it is not.

What is the word and?

'and' is a conjunction which is used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses.

Which joiner shows a contrast between coordinate ideas?

A coordinate conjunction is a joiner that can show a contrast between coordinate ideas, but it will not always be a contrast. It depends on if the joiner you are using assumes the thought "and" or "but."

What part of speech is and in this sentence. the principal AND the teachers are in a meeting?

"AND" in the sentence is a conjunction of the coordinate type.

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"Or" is a conjunction, specifically of the coordinate type.

What type of conjunction is used to connect the two kinds of clauses together?

A "coordinating" or "coordinate" conjunction connects two independent clauses, and a "subordinating" or "subordinate" conjunction connects a dependent clause to the independent clause that the dependent clause modifies.

Is for a conjunction?

Yes, "for" can be a conjunction when it is used to introduce a reason or explanation for something. For example, "She was late for the meeting, for her car broke down."

What part of speech is used to link the clauses?

A conjunction, a coordinate one for independent clauses and a subordinate one for dependent clauses.

I lost the directions.I didn't get lost. rewite sentences as one sentence using a coordinate conjunction.?

I lost the directions but I didn't get lost.

What part of speech is the phase- so she can take a nap?

Phrases do not have parts of speech. "so she can take a nap" is an independent clause introduced by the conjunction "so", which can be either a coordinate or subordinate conjunction. If the meaning is subordinate, the two word conjunction "so that" should be used in more formal text.

Is but a conjunctive adverb?

No its not a conjunctive adverb. But is used as coordinate conjunction. conjunctive adverbs are sentence connectors which you put semicolon (;) before it and comma after it (,).

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