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Truck insurance generally costs more than insurance on a regular passenger car.....

if both policies were alike in coverage amounts.

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Q: Is car insurance more expensive on a truck?
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You'd have to get a jeep or suv or truck-there are many but insurance is more expensive

Does truck insurance cost more than car insurance?

A truck insurance doesn't necessarily cost more. It would depend on the size of the truck.

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Why is car insurance more expensive for a fast car?

A car insurance is more expensive for a fast car because it will have more easily accidents. On the other hand, a slower car will not have accidents so often on average.

Is insurance for trucks generally more expensive than insurance for cars?

Yes, and the reason is simpe, Trucks usually cost more then what an average car is. So its more expensive to cover a more costly means of transportation. Also, truck drivers, in general dont have the best driving records.

Is car insurance more expensive if the car does not have airbags?

If your car does not have air bags, yes - your insurance will be more expensive, all other things being equal. To put it simply: If you have air bags, that's a discount.

Is cheap liabiltiy car insurance as good as a more expensive policy?

Not really the more expensive ones cover more like if you get injured or will pay to fix your car.

Is car insurance in Virginia more expensive on average?

No, car insurance in Virginia rates around the middle when it comes to the national average.

Is insurance on a newer car more expensive than on an old car?

Yes ~ almost always

Is a car insurance policy cheaper if you don't add collision?

Yes, absolutely it is more expensive! Collision is the more expensive part of any auto insurance policy.

Why are car insurance amounts different for a new and used car?

Because it is usually more expensive to repair newer vehicles since the parts are more expensive.

Why is car insurance typically more expensive for a new driver compared to that for a more experienced driver?

Car insurance is typically more expensive for a new driver when compared to that for a more experienced driver is due to expertise level difference in handling the vehicle.