

Is cyberbully spelled like cyber bully or cyber-bully?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Cyberbully. That is the way it is spelled. could be spelled like cyber bully or hyphen.

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Q: Is cyberbully spelled like cyber bully or cyber-bully?
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Related questions

How do cyber bullies feel when they cyberbully?

They will feel like hurting the cyber bullyer but you should always block them and report abuse.

Who does Cyber bullying begin?

Cyberbully begans when someone is mad at another person or doesn't like them for some reason. The bullys began to think of ways to get back at you & that's when cyberbully begins.

Why would you be a cyber bully?

Well, some people just choose to become a cyberbully. Some people like being cyberbullies, because they are dirty. Cyberbullying is not good, because you CAN get arrested for doing that, and a cyberbully is somebody you should try avoiding. Avoid public chatrooms unless on a virtual world. A virtual world and public chatroom are different things. A virtual world is far more safe because there are moderators, and you get banned for 24 hours or forever depending on what you said. Remember this: NEVER become a cyberbully.

How do elementary kids bully?

pretty much how any other people would bully they might physically bully like kicking punching and slapping or they might verbally bully like calling people names or they could even cyber bully like posting mean things about people on a webpage.

What are the effects of cyber bullying on the body?

Well there are lots of things like sucidal thoughts wanting to be alone doing drugs all that stuff so dont cyber bully people's

What are roles of the people involved in cyberbulling?

Well, it's kind of like real bullies and real nerds. The cyber bully has the main role in cyber bullying. The other is the victim (the nerd)

How does Cyber-bullying get around?

Over The Internet The Cyber Bulling Gets Around . PEople May not Like It but YOU Should Tell SOmebody Instead Of Dealing With It ALone . get Help . Dont be Bullied Cuz At The End . . . The Bully Is Really the MAIN ONE HURT.

Why do people become cyberbullies?

People Cyberbully because they feel more powerful. Bullies are powerless, but once the bully sees a reaction they continue to bully because they feel they have power. If we act weakly the bullies will start to bully the person more. People can also cyberbully because others have done the same to them or they can be influenced by others. Cyberbullying can lead to many things..... If you are being cyberbully Online: * Tell a parent/guardian * Don't listen to what the bully says to you (they are just doing this to feel powerful) * If you have them on a contact list on e.g Skype, Facebook, twitter etc.... BLOCK THEM! * Tell a friend or adult you trust * If you attend school, tell a teacher or principle

How do you describe a cyber bully?

A Cyberbully is someone who treats people with little or absolutely no respect for their peers or others around them. Cyberbully's may form a group or poesy and go around acting all sneer (which is not an exceptional or a proper behavior for one to be doing). The truth is, Cyberbully's are not that happy about what their doing either all the time. Cyberbully's make their decisions depending on what's going on in their life. They may be having relationship problems, personal problems, trouble getting over a important loss, they may have been given too much pressure, they may do it because it gives them joy and entertainment, or different personal matters they can't settle by themselves. Cyberbullys are not happy people! :( Sadly, you can't always help people like this. If a person i depressed for long periods of time they can inflict this behavior on people around them. Do I think Cyberbullying is a exceptional thing? No. It is certainly not the best way to get enjoyment or relieve pressure in ones life.

What makes a cyber bully different than a regular bully?

Cyber bullying is not only belly biting (taking small nips at first at the victim) but is a form of a lack of confidence in the bully or bullies themselves not to mention a vicious mean streak and they do so by text messaging or sending emails by name calling or threats of possible bodily injury to the victim. Often Cyber Bullying is more than one person and they may think it is fun to upset their victim simply because they may not like the victim for one reason or another or no reason at all. A regular bully is one who bullies students at school; in the neighborhood or at the workplace and bullies come in all age brackets and not just teens.

How does cyber bullying effect a person?

well yes obviously because like there is a person at the end of the technological that you are using to bully that other person and it is doubt to effect them and make them really unhappy and more

How you can prevent cyberbullying?

You can prevent cyberbullying by telling a trusted adult, set up a spam folder in your email or space so that if you ever see a cyber bully, and you can send their message to your parents so they can block them from emailing your account again. you can prevent cyberbulling by not posting in appropriate things online or just not getting on the internet that much. Also you can prevent by not asking questions like "Are you cute." and stuff like that because beleive it or not everybody going to think your cute. Thats just a fact in life.