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Q: Is drinking too much mineral water harmful to your body?
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Is pee for drinking?

No, urine (pee) is not safe or healthy to drink. It contains waste products and toxins from your body that need to be excreted. It is important to drink clean water to stay hydrated and maintain good health.

Is drinking ocean water harmful?

Answer Drinking water is good for you. Salt water is salty but it makes you drink a lot. Answer Drinking ocean water is not reccommended. It is not very clean, so you could get ill from it. Also, because it is so salty, it can cause problems for your body. Your body needs water with much less salt in it

Is drinking harmful for your body?

Drinking alcohol in moderation contributes to better health and longer life. However, abusing it can be harmful.

Why will drinking sea water be harmful?

All because sea water is salt water and it is harmful for your throat, "Adams apple", taste Bud's (taste of the water), and it causes dehydration to the body. salt is used to preserve an item and dry them up.

How is drinking water processed in the body?

Drinking water is very simply processed once inside of the human body. Drinking water is absorbed into the cells of the body.

Does the carbonated water harmful to the body?

Generally no - but I wouldn`t recommend drinking more than one glass at a time, you might die from burping.

Why would drinking salt water be harmful if you are in an osmotic desert?

Is the same thing produce dehydrated in our body , but in an osmotic desert had the influence the environment too

What is an man made body of drinking water called?

A reservoir is a man made body of drinking water.

How does mineral water help the body?

Mineral water helps prevent dehydration by helping the cells in the body absorb water. Mineral water is also good for preventing high blood pressure.

What are the pros and cons of fasting with water Drinking nothing but water?

The pros for drinking nothing but water are that you lose weight fast, you are drinking healthier. The cons of drinking nothing but water are not eating can cause issues to the body and the body needs more than water.

What is the body's major source of water?

Drinking water

What mineral is the most common mineral found in the body outside of cells?
