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After the so-called revolution from December 1989 the education system strongly declined and the education is not esteemed; more than 50 % of at all levels the degrees are bought and especially private colleges produce some individuals totally unable but they pay a fee to receive a false diploma. The high school graduates are mostly (approx. 60 %) idiots. Also PhD became ridiculous consisting only in some translations, sometimes the work is done by someone else, practical works are forged.

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Approx. 7-8 years of school.

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Q: What is the average education level for people in Romania?
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What measures average level of education in a country?

Educational Attainment, which is defined by the US Census Bureau as "the highest level of education completed in terms of the highest degree or the highest level of schooling completed" by an individual. These data can be collected for the entire population of a country and then averaged in order to determine the average level of education in a county with relative accuracy.