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Everyday there are dozens of saints that are memorialized. However, if that feast falls on a Sunday or another important feast day, or Good Friday, the saint's day is not observed.

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Q: Is every day a saints day?
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What is all saints day about?

All Saints' Day is a Christian holiday that honors all saints, known and unknown. It is a day to remember and celebrate the lives of those who have lived holy and virtuous lives. In some countries, it is also a time to visit the graves of loved ones and offer prayers for their souls.

How many saints' days are celebrated?

Every day of the year 20 or more saints are memorialized.

Is Venezuela celebrating All Saints Day?

Catholics in every country in the world celebrate All Saints Day, including Venezuela.

What year was All Saints' Day?

November 1 is the feast of All Saints' and it is observed every year.

Are all days in France saints days?

Every day of the year is the feast day of several saints in France or anywhere else in the world.

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The answer to that question changes every day.

Is it possible to not have a patron saint?

No, it is not possible. You have at least 2 patron saints - the saint for whom you are named and the saint/saints who have their feast day on your date of birth. There are about 20 saints or more who have feast days every day of the year.

Does every saint have a feast day?

No. There are thousands of saints, so it would be impossible for every single one of them to have their own feast day (unless we decided to devote each day of the calendar to several different saints). Instead, only those saints who had the greatest impact on the Church or around whom a fervent devotion has grown are celebrated with feast days in the liturgical calendar.

What month is All Saints Day celebrated?

It is celebrated every year on November 1.

When are saint days celebrated?

There are 20 or more saints celebrated every day of the year.

Why is St. Francis Xavier's feast day in Advent?

Francis died on December 2. There are more than 10,000 named saints and only 365 days in a year so every day has several saints that are celebrated. Even Christmas Day has a number of saints that are remembered that day besides the Nativity of Our Lord.

All Saints Day is celebrated the day after what?

The day after Hallowe'en is All Saints' Day.