

Best Answer

yes, my class did a lab about it in Biology and amazingly its true

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Q: Is eye shadow made from bat crap guano?
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Is bat guano a drug?

no its bat crap

How dangerous is guano?

Guano is bat faeces and they are NOT dangerous.

Is there another name for bat poop besides guano?

yes it's poop

Uses for bat guano?

Bat guano is rich in nitrogen and so in may countries is used as fertilizer for plants.

How to find bat guano?

Look where bats nest. Guano is what they excrete.

Is bat guano used in lipstick?

No. Lipstick is mainly made of seaweed and coloring. While mascara and various other cosmetics contain guanine, which is used to give a pearlescent look, this is not guano and does not come from guano. It is made from fish scales though. So, no bat feces but crushed up fish scales.

Is guano or bat dung used in mascara?

While mascara and various other cosmetics contain guanine, which is used to give a pearlescent look, this is not guano and does not come from guano (bat dung). It is made from fish scales though. So, no bat feces but crushed up fish scales.

Does guano come from a bats behind?

Yes, guano is bat feaces (poop).

Is bat guano used in eyeliner?


Is bat guano flammable?


What cosmetic companies use guano?

None. There is a chemical called "guanine" in some makeup to make it pearlesque, but it USED to be made from fish scales. It's made synthetically now. It can't be made from guano, which is bat poop.

What happens if a human is exposed to guano?

GUANO IS NATURAL MANURE made up of droppings or "poop" from sea birds, especially on islands near the coast of South America. People also refer to bat droppings as "bat guano". Unless there is an allergy to it, or it carries a certain disease, I'm not aware of any potential hazard from the poop itself. Some people use bat guano as fertilizer, said to be one of the best fertilizers ever! I don't think there is any inherent danger from guano.........