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D block elements are at the center of the Periodic Table; f block elements are at the bottom.

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Q: Is f and d the center and bottom blocks of the periodic table?
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Were are the lanthanides placed on the periodic table?

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Lanthanum is located on the right to the bottom side on the periodic table.

What kind of blocks are there in the periodic table?

There are four blocks named as s, p ,d and f.

The what are located in the center of the periodic table?

The transition metals are found toward the middle of the periodic table.

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What three families are found in the center portion of the periodic table?

The three families that are found in the center portion of the periodic table are the Iron group, the Cobalt group and the nickel group. There are 18 families in the periodic table.

What happen to the atomic as you from the bottom to the top of the periodic table?

From the bottom to the top, the elements of the atomic periodic table have less mass and are more stable, in general.

Why are lanthanoids and actinoids placed at the bottom of the table?

Because their electronic configuration is ended at 'f' orbitals and can not be placed in 's','p' and 'd' blocks.

How many groups are represented by each what blocks on the periodic table?

There are total 18 groups in the periodic table that contains elements having same properties.